
No, that’s perfectly logical. Why get in trouble trying to source a real gun that can be traced to someone, like some Bubba at a gun show who can testify in court that he fucked up and sold a gun to the guy sitting in the dock, if you can go to Walmart, buy a $20 Palco springer that looks real enough after you snap

What, no love for floccinaucinihilipilification ?

My favorite one was even before the inauguration attendance lie, when he said the dress shops in DC were all sold out. Remember that bullshit ?

I wasn’t going to say anything, but it blows me away how many people aren’t getting that Malfunctioning Eddie and my response are quoting Pulp Fiction in this comment thread.

Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

This sounds like Training Day coming to life.

I live in Chicago. On Everyblock (a hyperlocal social network) a neighbor who lives near a high school told about finding a gun stashed in one of her shrubs. She called the police who came by and picked it up. One of the officers told her it wasn’t uncommon for kids who were carrying to hide their weapons nearby for

Chicago cops buy real guns to plant on suspects to justify shootings, arrest persons they want to arrest, etc. So, this is hardly surprising.

All these white supremacists groups talk about violent overthrow of the US government but then they just wind up killing friends and family. I mean, if that’s your thing mount up and go attack a military base. See how that works out for you.

She’s much too old and much too brown to be a Trump sidechick.

Just once, when he makes one of these outlandish claims taking credit for something nebulous, for a reporter to ask for him an example of just what he’d done to accomplish that.

I can only wish someone yells “YOU LIE” during Trump’s speech.

I read the these are not “refrigerators” in the normal sense. These are massive storage units. Air Force One has to be able to store approximately 3000 meals since it is also the President’s flying bunker and in a nuclear emergency has to be able to feed passengers and crew for weeks.

True but its a hell of a long shot. Thats like saying Kevin Eubanks had pull with who was getting fired on the Tonight Show with Leno.

I feel like I did something bad starring that gif, but I can’t help it.

Questlove works on Jimmy Fallon’s show, strange job to have he he dislikes white folks that much. I mean, they’re the Roots, they could do other things besides being the house band for The Tonight Show.

Right. Because a drummer from a popular neo-soul band has enough leverage with a multinational White ran media corporation to convince them to fire 2 cameraman.

So, you’re immediately assuming bad faith in order to maintain your ideological purity.

“I am the least racist person that anybody is going to meet.”