
Well on the plus side that average includes all of us schmucks, not just people with world class health care like Justice Ginsberg has

What I’m saying is that it seems ominous that Bannon’s apologizing. It seems like a clue about something, some kind of indicator, but I can’t figure out what or why. A public tiff between Bannon and Trump barely qualifies as being an intra-party fight, it’s not like these guys are mainstream GOP stalwarts.

I can’t exactly articulate a reason why, but on a gut level this development seems ominous to me.

Do you use FF or Chrome ? I can only get them to imbed on chrome.

I’m actually a little sad that we don’t get the “don’t underestimate Trump” line of argument here anymore. “He won an election when he was predicted to lose, therefore he must be smart.” Coupled with “do you think you are smarter than millions of Americans?” (Uh, yes I do, actually.)

Here’s where I am confused:

If she hadn’t run at all, we wouldn’t be here today. The DNC bent America over, and hate fucked it.

She earned shit. She was against universal healthcare and a living wage for all workers.

“While Clarke’s actions reflect poor judgment, they do not shock the conscience,” to a degree to support the due-process claim, Stadtmueller ruled.

Screw the snowflake part. That’s nothing to waste taxpayer money on with a trial. Whats more concerning is the fact that this asshole used his shitty sheriff powers to have someone questioned because he didn’t like his reaction to him. That’s a blatant abuse of power.

What a dumbass. If he had just shot them both 5 times, stuck around, and claimed he feared for his life he’d be on paid vacation right now.

So, what do you all think? Was he drunk, or on coke? I can’t think of a third plausible option. (When on booze/drugs, flee scene and give yourself some time to sober up).

Maybe George Soros will buy the rest of us copies, since the cheap bastard still owes me for all my protesting!

I have no idea why anyone would compare the Trump and Nixon administrations, beyond a staggering (nearly Trumpian) lack of familiarity with American history beyond “Nixon bad! Democrats good!”

I call bullshit on the notion that Trump is even alive in most other universes. A 71 year old riddled with third-stage syphilis who ALSO believes exercise is unhealthy?

The fucked up part ? This is the only universe where Trump even got the nomination. In 70% of universes, he’s incarcerated, in 12% he choked to death on various foods, predominately chicken bones, but pickles appear a surprising number of times.

I bought it on Audible this morning and I’ve been listening all day at work. It’s...spectacular. It paints a picture of an idiot who never wanted to win, but he got out idiot-ed by American people and won.

I kind of wish that he had let people keep denying stuff for a while before revealing that he had tapes..

So Hilary Clinton’s looking for a gig, anyone think she’d consider reading for the Audiobook ?