Isn’t Chinese a good base from which to learn other Asian languages?
Isn’t Chinese a good base from which to learn other Asian languages?
I won’t say that anyone who fucks Lewandowski will get VD, but they should.
What’s that word for “a group of people upon whom one feels an overwhelming desire to release enraged jaguars” ?
Democratic House majority = Democratic Speaker.
Trump would never eat that, there’s green stuff on it, and red stuff that’s not ketchup.
A dear friend of mine and mother of two who worked her butt off to eat healthy and excercise passed away Saturday night of heart disease at the age of 51. Seeing this article makes me want to burn the white house down. I someone spits in Trump’s next burger.
When I look at that picture, all I can think about is the person who photoshopped the meth pipe out of his hand.
Slager’s attorney, Andrew Savage III claims that Slager is not safe in prison
My honest feeling is that the second civil war is happening right now, and America is going to lose this time.
Sure, I wasn’t saying you as in mwittier, it was the collective you. Didn’t mean to seem like I was casting blame on you (mwittier)
Isn’t it really 53% of white women who voted, voted for Trump? As opposed to 53% of all white women in the US?
You seem optimistic considering his support hasn’t dropped below 37% since he was elected. These people will ignore anything this man does, and if anything bad happens to them they will continue to blame it on anyone other than him.
I never understood that logic. It doesn’t take a genius to stay rich after being born rich and then given a huge loan to “start your own business”. Especially in the corrupt NYC real estate industry.
If it’s Pence as prez, he can probably be impeached for the part he played in the Flynn criminal shit. Clean out both psychotics.
Wrong picture, that’s evil universe Steve Zahn.
Wouldn’t Paul Ryan be up after Trump and Pence? I assume he would support this bill.
Man, I was thinking about Reagan the other day when I suddenly realized that three of, maybe the five, certainly the ten, worst Presidents this country has ever had have been in my lifetime.
Well, considering that in the two most recent conservative “boycotts” that were widely publicized, the first step was purchasing something from the target of the boycott, this may turn out to be a real economic windfall for San Francisco ! Maybe they’ll buy houses there and give them bad paint jobs.
I was wondering if it was a bot.