.I mean, the replacements would be no better, but damn, it would be fun to watch.
.I mean, the replacements would be no better, but damn, it would be fun to watch.
Step 3.) Don’t expect a fucking cookie for being a good person. This ain’t kindergarten and no one is giving you a gold star for having good manners or sharing.
I’m literally #8 (a little of 6 and 4 I suppose) on this list. If it isn’t directed at me, who is it for?
The Democrats cannot reach these people, and should stop trying. They do not want to be reached and are content in their ignorance. Last night showed we don’t need them anyway.
Obviously, from the gate, Weinstein is a scumbag, but that list though, goddamn. I mean, I don’t even know what to say. It’s like something from a documentary about sex fiends. And knowing it’s almost certainly just a fraction.
So the default for a disaster is now the Holocaust? “well at least 6 million or so people didn’t die!”
And hey, what about that Chixculub impactor, huh ? Whew, talk about casualties, that one took out three quarters of plant and animal species !! So you know, lets have a little perspective, amirite ?
Just wait til the infirmities of old age put him on a restricted diet, and he has to re-write this column replacing eating out with, oh I dunno, maybe lawncare ?
Id rather be a janitor than a movie star if it meant having to fuck that sack of shit.
Jeeze, live under a rock much ? Next you’ll be telling us you weren’t aware of Mendelssohn’s freeze-dried kneecaps !
I don’t think there’s a single working Slurpee machine in Washington D.C.
He probably won’t say shit. His entire purpose for living at this point is to obsess over Obama.
Show what a great business mind Trump has. He doesn’t care that his scorched-earth approach to the ACA throws the insurance industry into chaos besides negatively affecting the lives of millions of people.
It’s amazing how many GOPers genuinely seem to not understand how insurance works. And then there are the ones who just lie about it.
I don’t mess with McDonald’s but can someone please do one for Slurpee machines ? I swear less than 10% of the ones I see are operational. I saw a Slurpee machine repairman one time at a 7-11, and thought to myself “he’s either the busiest or laziest man I’ve ever seen”.
“The city with the strongest gun laws in our nation is Chicago, and Chicago is a disaster.” Trump answered, brandishing a favorite and demonstrably false response
CNN will be calling you a Tomato Terrorist and flashing up your worst TBT Inst pics before the day is out
Is this bizarro world? The grass is blue, the sky is green, up is down and down is left?
Imagine how many people would have been saved had the gunman, you know, not had a gun.
Hey Dauntarius. Just wanted to let you know, not sure if you were aware, but THIS SHIT IS NOT FUCKING HELPING, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER !!!