
I certainly think that could be a factor to some degree, but I don’t think it’s a huge one. I mean, he plays a bisexual on “House of Cards” I don’t think his sexuality adds too much to the controversy for Spacey, I still believe there’s probably a tidal wave of debauchery waiting in the wings with Spacey that may or

Eh, his allegations are pretty serious, but leaving that aside, I think there’s a mountain of outlandishly heinous shit under cover with Spacey. The reason I think this is because even though more and more shit has come out about him, when the very first thing broke, and I’m not saying it wasn’t bad, it definitely

They might actually try that one..

Damn, she looks pretty politically correct there...

“They were like, ‘Nooo!’ I remember one woman saying, ‘What makes these people think that all we want to do is see the same white actors or actresses on screen?’

You’re right of course. They’ll claim whoever they want when it suits them.

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

Oh no, force me to spend $6 and be treated to unlimited shitty, delicious mac & cheese pizza. Fuck you, fuck all of you. Cici’s rules.

I’d say even five years ago it was a pretty fringe belief that European descended Jews weren’t white, but these days there is a significant fraction of white America dusting off and getting re-acquainted with old fashioned distinctions.

If you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for Hilary, whatever, but if you were going to vote for Bernie and ended up voting for Trump ? What were you even voting for, in that case ?

But I still cross it if I see a black person walking toward me.

So much self-hate and stupid to unpack in one fucking sentence. Your hate of Hillary made you quickly abandon everything that Sanders (reportedly) stood for, do a complete 180 and vote for TRUMP? To end globalization? Behind the man who hasn’t made a thing in this country since his kids were born???

Well, it’s just one of those things that’s designed to be suitably broad to allow cops to do whatever they want. No charge of “possessing tic tacs” is going to stick. But it gives the cop a chance to put pressure on you to comply with whatever else they want to do, or to just fuck up your day recreationally, and hey,

If they are prescription pills and you don’t have a prescription, then yes. It can be dangerous to carry around even medicines that are prescribed to you legitimately, so at the minimum make sure you carry your medicines in the containers they came in from the pharmacy, with your name on it. Cops can and have used

KFC is a whole different thing in Japan. For one thing, it’s a food identified with Christmas, kind of in the way we think of candy canes. Anyway, eating KFC on Christmas is a big tradition in Japan. Now you might be thinking “Wait, they have Christmas in Japan?”. They do, but since Christianity is rare there,

I agree that they are all lying liars, but I’ve heard it explained this way:

Their explanation of it certainly points to it being vile, if there were doubts beforehand.

At his age, with his weight, he better not be angry. But we all know he is, so that stroke or heart attack is just around the corner. It’ll probably come when one of his family is charged.

It’s going to turn out to be full of wheat, and Ben Carson is never going to shut up about it.

I’m not sure if I’m reading you wrong, but you seem to believe I am positing that slavery wasn’t the reason for the Civil war, which is a preposterous position that I do not hold and have not at any point argued or suggested. Maybe it’s just me though, just being clear, the Civil war was about slavery, and the South