
I heard 250 young men were arrested for petty crimes this week in Holmes county just trying to get in there and roast these cats.

Dear Martina,

But it’s OK if rich people keep living on the coast subject to storm surge?

I’m dying...please, someone, tell me what a dotard is.

I just... can’t understand why this is an issue for anyone. Who cares who writes a show if you like what they’re written?

I’m kind of surprised that this show even appeals to these kinds of people, it seems like something they would hate.

“Model minority” is an exceedingly derogatory term spread by people who deny their own white privilege.

Who is out here ruining grits w/ sugar? Show yourselves.

Mateer’s rabid antipathy toward LGBTQ rights has hardly been a secret. In 2015, he wrote an opinion piece defending state employees who would not comply with the Supreme Court’s rulings in favor of same-sex marriage.

I mean,

As someone whose disarmed *multiple* adults with knives, bats, and nail boards using only my hands in a professional setting. Here is some advice to avoid “getting hit in the face”, take a step backwards and consider the situation.

I mean, momentarily leaving aside the ignorance of his chosen terminology, is there currently some kind of noteworthy tension specifically between Asian American and American Indian communities ? Is that a “thing” either actual or just in the reactionary narrative ?

He’s probably feeling really privileged about now.

But isn’t you being bothered hypocritical too in some way if it didn’t bother you back then?

Fair enough, my post was mostly tongue in cheek.

You’d have to be a moron or have some vested interest in white supremacy to pretend he’s not a white supremacist. Which one fits you?

You cannot prove a negative. Google it. That’s what the guy was getting at by call No you what he did.

Derfita is a child rapist. Don’t like that? You must now PROVE that you’ve never raped a child!

Counterpoint: his own actions prove that he’s a fucking white supremacist, and the term “white supremacist” isn’t a goddamn racial slur.

She actually opened her mouth and apparently said, “At least she didn’t call you a dumb, black nigger,”