Ever notice that every picture of Ted Cruz ever is his o-face?
Ever notice that every picture of Ted Cruz ever is his o-face?
Stop. I’m not a Mike Huckabee fan by any stretch, but it wasn’t Mike that did it. Sins of the father isn’t a thing anymore and that goes both ways.
You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Film stocks were for years designed and balanced exclusively to flatter caucasian subjects and the same has been true for pretty much every image capture system and video standard to this day. It’s one of the first things you learn about when you start learning about…
Seriously? They said and gave platforms to people that said terrible shit about Obama constantly.
I have to agree with Travis. I mean, I’m not 100% certain that Trump’s a pedophile, there’s good arguments on many sides, many sides.
Your inconvenience means nothing to me.
If you told them dunking their head in a vat of sulfuric acid pissed off libs, you’d have a lot of headless white supremacists tomorrow
There’s a lot more to protest than just how cops treat people. Maybe I should fix all that too.
Literally no fucks given anymore, might as well bring back Jim Crow laws
I’m not Italian, so maybe I don’t understand, but is Columbus really the best Italian there ever was ? Could not some other Italian be honored instead ?
Is there anything that Trump will do capable of shocking us anymore?
Women just can’t handle the stress. It’s in their biology and stuff. There aren’t enough female attorneys interested in being attorneys. There aren’t enough good female attorneys.
The opioid epidemic is an ongoing disaster that’s now reported to be killing around 142 Americans every day. It’s hard to keep track of disasters these days, but yes, this is still happening, and still very bad. So what’s being done about it, you ask? Not very much, despite Trump’s stirring campaign promise to “stop…
I think a lot of people are sick of the fact that democrats number one priority is bipartisanship. There’s no real possibility of bipartisanship with these republicans. they’re unrelentingly awful. The Trump deal to raise the debt ceiling was a mistake borne out of the fact that the repiblicans didn’t believe Trump…
*edit.. I tried to edit my post, but wasn’t fast enough. Anyway, someone may pipe up and assert that Libby did face consequences, but his subsequent trial was for the coverup and perjury that came after. Splitting hairs, I think, but Libby did have a trial and get disbarred. However his sentence was ultimately…
Well, Karl Rove is awful in his own way, and he was involved in a scandal with the person I’m talking about (exposing the identity of a CIA agent in retaliation for her husband’s criticism of Bush the younger’s administration. That’s something that really happened, it’s known, and the people who did it suffered no…
Why I did it, I can’t say, I don’t know what I expected, but I read that guys article, or anyway got halfway through it, to where he tells the women in the bar he doesn’t want to fuck them. I’d never heard of him or seen any of his comedy or writing before, and all I can say about the whole thing is, I hope he got…
Oh man, I knew I wasn’t nuts, thank you for confirming that !