
We’re playing a losing game cooperating with the GOP and meeting them in the middle. They keep moving the middle, and in any case will never meet us anywhere near it unless they literally have no choice, and even then it’s a stretch. The sooner appeasers wake up and learn this lesson, the sooner we can stop cutting

We’re playing a losing game cooperating with the GOP and meeting them in the middle. They keep moving the middle, and in any case will never meet us anywhere near it unless they literally have no choice, and even then it’s a stretch. The sooner appeasers wake up and learn this lesson, the sooner we can stop cutting

We’re playing a losing game cooperating with the GOP and meeting them in the middle. They keep moving the middle, and in any case will never meet us anywhere near it unless they literally have no choice, and even then it’s a stretch. The sooner appeasers wake up and learn this lesson, the sooner we can stop cutting

We’re playing a losing game cooperating with the GOP and meeting them in the middle. They keep moving the middle, and in any case will never meet us anywhere near it unless they literally have no choice, and even then it’s a stretch. The sooner appeasers wake up and learn this lesson, the sooner we can stop cutting

How did Euron know where they were going to be and how did he catch them? They supposedly took the fastest ships and there’s no way Euron could know they’d be heading to Dorn instead of King’s Landing.

Well, the thing is, people who actually have sincere interests outside of making money and gratifying their own ego don’t usually make as much money or rise to such prominent positions as these guys. So, many wealthy and famous people literally don’t know what to do with it, or aren’t really that interested in doing

Plus, considering the rocks that she got, I for one sincerely doubt that she’s still Jenny from the block...

Well, with reciprocal respect, I didn’t mean by the use of the word prophecy to paint you as a wild eyed man on the corner holding a “the end is near” sign. And I don’t mean to assert a greater level of expertise in your field. My point was that the proposition that time is running out for conservatives as the liberal

Maybe, and it’s a beautiful vision, but I wouldn’t get on a boat made of that. The plain fact is that’s a prophecy that’s been uttered about American politics before, and failed to be fulfilled before as well. There’s a lot of analysis out there indicating that the latest generation’s crop of young voters is turning

I’ll second that, I’d love to be able to pay $800 dollars for a running Prius, rusted roof be damned !

Well, yeah, it’s kind of ingenious. It’s a similar situation with the VP, there’s room for debate, but there’s no strong case that we’re any better off with Trump out of there. Even in the staggeringly unlikely event that Pence could be hoisted by the same petard, BAM ! Paul Ryan. Something like 50 high ranking people

Fun fact: Before it was called a Baked Alaska it was called a Norwegian Omelet.

During the campaign, I reached a point where incredulity finally broke, and I realized it was no longer possible for me to be honestly skeptical of any kind of wild conjecture or theory about Trump. The indisputable facts had become so preposterous, that I just couldn’t rule anything out.

Remember when y’all declared that Barack Obama was not only “not your president,”

Hey, all you right wing cats out there who like to talk about government overreach and how taxation is theft and all that, you’re totally pissed off about this stuff right ? No ? Hmmm.

I agree, when I saw the picture I literally thought the story was going to be that Madame Tussaud’s just relabeled the Shakira statue as Beyonce and called it a day.

Now playing

And who is auctioning off letters from Madonna? If you find a stash of letters from like Gore Vidal or Julia Child or someone interesting then sure. “Ray of Light” is all time jam but c’mon.

Pretty please, with sugar on top, will you kindly jump face first into a wood chipper, you goddamn fucking human garbage ?

This is the result of making abortions illegal. Women who die or suffer permanent disabilities from complications because they can’t get a medically necessary abortion. Women who are investigated and possibly imprisoned for miscarriages. Women who die from complications from miscarriages or back alley abortions

In Trump’s mind, all world leaders start their day by reading The New York Post while having a Mc Donald’s breakfast.