At this point, the right wing has successfully tagged liberals and anyone else who disagrees with him with the stereotype of the wealthy elitist. We’re at the point where a real estate billionaire from New York and his hirelings can accuse others of being elites. Yikes.
If we’re going to jump on things that don’t count because they “were added later”, let’s talk about “In God We Trust” and “The Pledge of Allegiance”.
My father came to the USA not knowing any English. He came from nothing and worked hard in a factory so he could raise me and my brother into a decent human beings. I’m a U.S. citizen who has a college degree and ABA approval paralegal certification, I speak three languages, work at a fancy law firm, and read news in…
I thought this was a joke mocking the Pickle fiasco last week. I cannot believe this is real life right now.
As a child of immigrants who came here without knowing English, and to put themselves through graduate school with three kids inadvertently displaced by a civil war, I can most certainly say FUCK YOU to this entire administration.
I did too.
What is infuriating is this fuckwit makes enough money on gap-tooth conspiracy theorists that he can afford to go to Hawaii.
The only way I was able to watch the second debate was to get blitzed out drink and yelled at by the wife for getting drunk in the living room and the explaining politics to her when she was trying to sleep. It was like an unfunny episode of drunk history.
It’s the hypocrisy of it all. She’s against ACA but admits that she’s covered by her parents’ insurance because of ACA. Well, she could get a freaking job with insurance and pay for her own damn health care, but she knows the first rule of Republican lawmaking is, “I got mine, fuck everyone else.”
Liberal or conservative, I think we can all agree that Donald Trump is objectively not hot.
I’ve seen a few of her viral videos and she is 100% not thoughtful in forming her opinions. She just extrapolates to the most inflammatory possible narrative, which of course falls apart approximately 2 sentences in when conversing with a sane person. I don’t even get angry with tomi because it is so obvious. She is a…
“A thousand points to House Rowling! Take all the points! Points forever!”
JK Rowling’s twitter feed is one of my favorite places on the internet.
But it is all it takes to have an audience.
Internet commenter lives in a perpetual state of being triggered and goes around using worn out word triggered like an idiot.
My favorite thing was when Lizza revealed that he had, of course, taped the conversation since that is Journalism 101, Scaramucci tried to float the idea that that was illegal wiretapping.
I like to imagine myself being Ryan Lizza. Like that call - how many of those are you going to get in your career? And you can’t be giddy or flabbergasted. You just have to hold it together somehow. That’s like journalist Christmas.