
I hate this term “brown” as though it means something. Mizrahi Jews aren’t “brown” (and it’s a slur to call them that); American Indians aren’t “brown” (and we’re ignored far more than African-Americans are); Asians aren’t always “brown.”

That’s an interesting point. I remember during the Iraq War shit how Democrats and Republicans would go endlessly about jihad and how we should all be scared of jihadists. Those of us who do speak some Arabic were laughing because jihad means “internal struggle;” yes, it can have the meaning of military campaign or

Republicans at the state level wanted to revoke women’s citizenship in this country and pass “modesty laws” only affecting women’s dress, so actually, they have a LOT in common with Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. Not to mention that the nutjob Christians rant and rave about supposed “Christian discrimination” in this

Ben Carson is simply incompetent: he’s a “physician” who endorsed anti-vaccination propaganda. That says it all. So it doesn’t surprise me in the least that he would rant about a book he’s obviously never read: the Bible.

Most doctors aren’t that intelligent. My uncle and cousin make a killing tutoring pre-med students in basic physics and chemistry.

What the comments have thus far missed entirely is that, at least on the surface, all of these “services” except abortion would be offered at clinics “open to men and children in addition to women.” And who would run them? The same people who run fake-clinics and have little to medical expertise whatsoever?

What the comments have thus far missed entirely is that, at least on the surface, all of these “services” except abortion would be offered at clinics “open to men and children in addition to women.” And who would run them? The same people who run fake-clinics and have little to medical expertise whatsoever?

I think they want everyone to think so, but the anti-woman rhetoric is such that it is impossible. Before 1973, rich women could access and afford clandestine abortions; the men in their families may have “approved” insofar as it protected the family name. But regarding the woman in question? Not a chance.

In the last 10-15 years, the level of misogyny has grown to intolerable levels in this country. I am getting sick and tired of listening to progressives and conservatives telling women that we live in a “post-feminist” society where we’re equal to men. No, we’re not: we were finally “given” those rights like equal

I hate to break it to you, but there are a lot of blacks and Latinos who are anti-choice. A lot.

Even if they were, they still wouldn’t matter except if they breed male babies.

Because 80% of stay at home mothers are idiots. They’re the ones ranting and raving about 9/11 conspiracies, the “hazards of vaccines," and Syrian refugees because Google.

It looks like classic shit-stirring to me.

Not to mention that somehow Anglo-American sexual norms represent all of the Western world. Because, you know, ‘Merica and speakin’ English and shit. Really, the regulars of Jezebel could be successful PR directors for Donald Trump with all of their bullshit ethnocentrism.

Ah, San Francisco smog ;)

Ah, so, it’s like the rule of nine:

Actually, I think that MRAs refusing to marry hymen-less women is great news! Since that comprises 90% of women, the hymen-less won’t have to deal with the naturally mandated position of being a dudebro’s mommy or sextoy (both at the same time?) I mean, it’s easier for the dudebro because he can’t stick a dildo up his

Of course, all the Jezzies/Gawkers jumped on the obviously ignorant “white privilege”/”black street cred” comments (because we just know how all blacks have ‘street cred’) of the idiot jogger without carrying the analysis through to its natural conclusion.

Liberal racism is indeed covert rather than overt and disguised in political correctness. Some of the comments are astounding, especially with respect to the ever-ignored American Indians/First Nations. After all, it’s never a consideration that the Algonquin just might have a claim to the NYC area.

The Donald is an asshole misogynist? Say it ain’t so!