Sounds like Florida logic to me. God that state is stupid.
Sounds like Florida logic to me. God that state is stupid.
Sounds like you need a new shop. CEL is a solvable problem.
I think Mass is a great model. Is it perfect? no. Are there some shops that will cut corners and others that will be too stringent? Sure. But on the whole it keeps only road worthy cars on the road without too much harassment for reasonable modifications (going catless isn’t a reasonable mod, sorry).
To me the videos are proof that comprehensive state inspections are a good thing. None of the cars in those videos have Massachusetts plates and there is a reason. If I have a wheel bearing with even a little bit of wobble it’ll get an reject. Check engine light anytime in the last 100 miles? Reject. extensive rust on…
If you are a NASCAR hater on this blog. (Most of you cool dude bandwagoners). You should really watch the COTA race and give it another chance. Give it a real honest watch and I bet you will like what you see.
The Night We Met always gets to me. It was made even more beautiful when Budweiser used the full length song in their ad to thank Dale Jr for being their driver before he left for HMS and pay tribute to Dale Sr back in 2007.
This should have been legislated from the start. Charging infrastructure should not have been allowed where a proprietary plug or a specific app are required. This is why government matters. Private companis will fuck consumers at every opportunity.
No they weren’t.
Makes sense to me. Most adults I know have been in 1 or zero accidents in their lifetime.
Full self driving is just not going to happen. The only way it would be close to working is if every road were designed with built in communication, sensors, and transmitters. All roads were shielded from the elements. Humans outside of cars could not access said road. and every car communicated directly with all cars…
Wisconsin you get your learners permit at 15. I think it’s a reasonable age to start driving with restrictions around diving with other occupants or driving at night.
This is excellent. I don’t care at all about F1 but I like Taylor Swift so this was helpful.
Yep. the late-stage Gen 4 car was completely horrible. It was crazy fast, but that was because it completely warped beyond recognition. this happened because the car had to fit a ‘template’ but the front to back template and side to side templates were tested one at a time, they did not interlock or need to meet as…
If... your goal is financial independence and a comfortable retirement. Which SHOULD be everyone’s goal, especially since it is likely that social security will be taken away in our lifetimes. Spending more than 10% is a mistake. Is there leeway and extenuating circumstances? Sure. To the extent that the AVERAGE loan…