boats and hoes

I was slouched in my chair just now, breakfast plate perched precariously on my FUPA. When I read this tweet my torso twitched with an involuntarily spasm of jubilation, causing the plate to wobble. A piece of Banquet© Brown ‘n Serve Beef Sausage rolled off onto the floor! Fully woke, I sprang into action, grabbed the

Saw the author was HamNo, assumed the answer was to watch society crumble around you, then use those crumbles as a sweet topping.

I am also a sweaty guy.* I understand what you are saying, but must be forced to disagree. Yes people will see you sweat. Yes you will be a sopping mess. But AT LEAST people won’t have to look at your nipples or chest hairs plastered against the inside of your shirt. If Sean miller was even a little more hairy, that

At 0:26 the ref skates over to the goalie and asks him something. The goalie responds with a shrug. I don’t know if he’s asking him whether he thought it went in or whether he’s asking him how in the fuck he made the save, but the response is perfect for both.

It seems to also be happening via phone. I received a phone call yesterday from “the IRS” and that it was their final attempt to contact me, or else I’d need to appear before a magistrate judge for a federal crime... it was about that time I hung up, but it was still unnerving.

I feel like this is what happens if I ever try to pull off a hangnail.

This is exactly the sort of discussion that leads me to believe a tax professional is worth it.

Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.

In my case, as soon as you wake up in the morning, start watching. Sunday is football day.

Amy Smart from Road Trip.


Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

I’m pretty sure that’s just his instruction to the artist.

The Cray XK7 works very well, and is available in a variety of colors, to match the design scheme of your underground lair/extinct volcano. Or so my friend tells me.

The Cray XK7 works very well, and is available in a variety of colors, to match the design scheme of your

What would you recommend for running nuclear weapon simulations?

What would you recommend for running nuclear weapon simulations?

The fact that Emrick posted that (who I can't stand, by the way) is epically hilarious. Does anyone like J.R. other than J.R.?

In professional sports, the line between stardom and journeyman is precariously thin. A bad injury at the wrong time, a missed opportunity, one skill slightly weaker or reaction time fractionally slower. What I saw last night watching a bit of the skills challenge: The ones who appreciate this most keenly are the

Andy Macdonald would like a word with you. Yes i did get your joke though.

was sort of crying when Burns and Pavelski raised Scott up on their shoulders. Eat shit Bettman

Well, if you happen to live in Flint, Michigan, then soda might be a healthy alternative to water.