The Casual Critic

So it never got solved?

This show is turning into what Arrow was and I hate it. Mopey sad Barry sucks. Let's get to flashpoint and Grodd and the fun silliness that made Season 1 really good guys, please. It's not too late.


This was interesting.

As one of the few who actually thought the end of the books was perfect, I find the idea that the movie actually starts where the book ends fascinating. They can make changes that are necessary for a film version and not retcon anything. It's kinda genius.

Maybe, but I kind of doubt anything he does will make me like him. The character has been pretty mediocre from the start, but his acting has been awful. I hope they permanently end Zoom's arc this season and move on to a non-speedster villain like Grodd or something. I still enjoy Flash a lot, but IMO this season has

Edited for stupidity.

Wow. When Captain Positive says you suck, you must really fuckin suck.


This seems likely, but I wonder why E2 Barry's last name is Allen if his dad's is Garrick. Wouldn't he just be E2 Henry Allen?

I wonder if they would have to go back to LA or NY, since it's hard to think of another American city that would work as well. Maybe they could turn New Orleans into a Sin City type deal, but Escape From New Orleans sounds stupid. Escape From Las Vegas, maybe?

Played like a cross somewhere between GTA and Fallout.

I feel the exact opposite.

Well done sir or ma'am.

Get 'em!

No, the one you could actually vote for.

Also, he looks just like me.

I voted for Boss because he's a Boss and he does Boss shit.

Ditto. I'm really bummed about the seemingly wasted potential for this show. It's really been going downhill quickly this season.

I thought he said a's and immediately figued Aandarson or Andarsan