The Casual Critic

Hell yes. Castle finds out everything Underwood has done and goes after him. Underwood knows he's coming and declares him a national threat, sends troops after him, which Castle refuses to kill. Castle kills Doug and Claire. Finale: Underwood in a dark room surrounded by secret service..and in walks The Punisher. One

*makes rolling dice motion*

Blow! How ya like me now?

It's an okay "background noise" show. But not a very good "show" show.

They really screwed up the marketing for season one badly. The show was nothing like what the previews made it out to be. They almost made it look like a Family Guy ripoff, which is pretty far off. I only watched it because of Burr, but am glad I gave it a shot despite the awful ads.

I probably enjoyed F more than most people here, but no. Not even close, IMO.

My family gets together every Christmas and Easter, and we never went to church or anything like that.

I wonder why. Seriously, The Middle has been very consistent through 7 seasons and The Goldbergs is always getting good reviews. The actual Adam Goldberg even posts here occasionally, which I think is really cool.

Isn't a bar mitzvah always your 13th birthday? If so, my guess is the writers were planning one but now there's no way Adam can pass for that age.

I only really know her from this and AD, but I absolutely couldn't picture anyone else playing either role. She really is perfect in both.

This is one of my go-to examples of "Don't trust the trailers." I was actually kinda excited to see this…it sucked so hard.

Yep. And he was actually one of many IIRC. My point is the show's version seems to be a mix of that and a guy stuck in a loop trying to save a girl. IMO they did a poor job of explaining what he really was. He pops up a few times almost like an Observer, but then tells Jake his story, and the former doesn't compute

It was pretty obvious. Not sure if the timeline is correct, but "It Lives" or "Bango Skank" would've been pretty cool.

Enjoyed this overall, and it ranks pretty high on King adaptations, but my biggest complaint is that they really dropped the ball on the Yellow Card Man. His character was all over the place and I'm still not sure what he was supposed to be.

I caught that as well. I think it was on a water tower or something up high.

That show was sooooooooo bad.

Finally caved and started the OJ show. It's damn good but Cuba is so miscast it's ridiculous, despite his solid performance. Everybody else is killing it, just to varying degrees.

This is a popular opinion.

Posted the same thing before I read the comments, only I said early 80s era Clint.

80s Eastwood as Roland of Deschain.