The Casual Critic

Damn, you haven't already?

Well then apparently they are douchebags.

This is horrible and pretty funny.

Your avatar is the Roadrunner and you said something was too fast, thus the dissonance.

Apologies if I ruined it for anyone. Shit. I really try to avoid doing that without clearly tagging it.

He was definitely a highlight for me. Wondering if the character could carry his own show or what kind of story they could give him, though.

"Almost" and "threatens" doesn't equal murder, but I don't want to defend Frank too much. He is a psycho, just one with a consistent internal code.

It does get discussed. Trying to not spoil anything, though.

But doesn't Frank go out of his way to not kill "innocent" people? I agree about DD seeing him as another criminal, but I still feel like the Punisher falls somewhere between those two archetypes.

I've enjoyed this show, but really really hope it's just the one season.


To me, this version of Frank is somehow somewhere between violent anti-hero and crazy murderer.

I just want to point out something: Punisher shot Matt in the bullet proof part of his helmet on purpose.

I didn't even see it as a cliffhanger. We all knew Matt was okay and with that in mind I thought it was fucking awesome.

I honestly think they have a shot at course correcting here and making the type of sequel they should have last time.

Just watched this on Hulu. He seems maybe a little kooky, but to me it's nothing like how this sounds.

I thought it looked silly as hell at the end of S1. It still does, IMO, but they've made some much needed improvements. I noticed that he seems to be able to move way more fluidly, as opposed to the Kingpin fight where he was almost Batman level stiff.

Here, have all my upvotes.

No but Deadpool would definitely call him out on it.

Maybe if Hillary wins she'll bring Sanders on as Veep? I don't know how probable that is, but seems to make sense teaming up to beat Trump. Anything to beat Trump.