The Casual Critic

Can't wait to watch this after work. He's top 10 or even 5 all time for me.

Haven't seen Mad Men, Game of Thrones, or The Americans.

Did Adele just Kanye herself?

I want to pull for ATL, I really do, but as a lifelong Saints fan all I'm able to think is "Fuck them." I know that's silly but yeah fuck those guys and their really good team.

Stomp em' in the nuts!

Yeah, that's pretty much what I do too. It just seems like there should be a way to organize the threads where you follow conversations more than the oldest/newest/best comments. Unless I'm missing something and am literally "reading it wrong."

This is my favorite show since Black Mirror, and that's not even really a fair statement since BM (heh) is so unique. I've been watching them as they come out since the beginning and reading the comments here the next day (I do that with a few shows, honestly). I'm waiting until the end to post my thoughts, but I just

The Democrats lost a big one and our new President is clearly an awful person with some serious (and now dangerous) anger and personality issues, and that sucks. The jokes may not seem funny right now but I believe it to be extremely important to continue bashing this bright orange tiny handed man. Like, I actually

If anyone else has theories or thoughts on this, I would love to hear them because I'm not sure if I simply reached too far with this semi-theory.

Had Houston's kicker and defense and my opponent had Blount. It got pretty hard to watch on the stat tracker.

A Roland origin story as an HBO series would have serious potential, IMO.

I'm a 28 year old perpetually angry white male and I fuckin hated Limp Bizkit. Even 12 year old me knew their music was not very good. However, I do think Durst was obviously having fun and he seemed okay in interviews, so for me it was a rare example of liking the person but not the art.

I thought we were focusing on the rape..

Great insights.

Oh, okay. Thanks. I was still curious about that, even though I based my theory on a misremembered bit of dialogue .

I agree. The origin of the phrase might be iffy, but cock-sucker is just another meaningless curse. Like motherfucker, it covers a lot of ground vernacularly. Plus it just rolls right off the tongue.

I have a theory, but someone with more knowledge on the political aspects and the way they function within the show's logic can probably explain this better.

I've been rewatching 30 rock over the last few weeks and was literally a couple hours removed from that episode when I watched this, so I immediately made that same connection. IMO Veep had the better payoff.


But my life is already a meaningless slog toward the grave, so I want closure dammit.