
The colloquial name, decided by DARPA, is “Hicky Device”.

I don’t understand your post...what does having autistic children that love computers have to do with using mobile data? Do you not know how WiFi works? Or if you happen to be out in the wild where WiFi might not be available, Verizon and the others have plans to enjoy a MiFi (mobile hotspot) with a high data usage

This. This is the craziest part of it all. In 2009 I had a single phone that had 9 email accounts, 2 of which were business. Even beyond that, I could decide when placing calls which phone number to use. This has been possible for *many* years, and it's all easier than setting up a private email server in one's home.

I realize it's a standard created by the industry, and I've been excited to see it be put to use since it's basically the ideal: Very fast, very small, and you don't have to plug it in one way or the other.

This, but for 2 reasons. Yes, you're right about plugging things's obnoxious and I want to do it as little as possible.

The only problem with your line of reasoning is that if they choose Verizon, it's irrelevant to the rest of the world. Google, unlike you, is not just a US-based company. Sure, this initiative is almost guaranteed to be US-only, but they can't plan out their projects and ideas for only domestic-use. A company like

Ya you're probably right. I mean the people that compete and judge these types of competitions are probably not super concerned with exact figures or doing insane things like this.

Oh I'm definitely not saying it's not an issue lol I'm just saying the comparison is false. Nazis had something to lose (their loved ones), but were doing horrible things (I'm not one to judge which is the better choice...although logically I'd have to lean toward the "not doing heinous acts" side), but cops have no

Not even remotely...I'm just saying comparing the two is ridiculous. The people that did the heinous acts (as Nazis) never stood against their superiors and it's reprehensible...but cops today aren't against the practices they enforce, at all. I have quite a few cop friends, and none of them have a problem with

Completely different. I'm a first-generation American, with a family from Germany. My entire family was in Germany at the time, and some were forced to participate in military activites. None killed anyone or did the horrible things you hear about, but nonetheless they didn't want to be part. The military came to our

Coming from someone who has AT&T U-Verse, where everything is IP-based, that connection can go dry *VERY* quickly. I have the 24/3 package and end up getting around 22/4 on average. That sounds great...except that HD channels take up 3Mbps a piece, flat off the top. With 5 people in the family, there's a good chance

Oh NOOOOOW I remember why I stopped coming to Gizmodo.

Oh, look, someone that doesn't understand how encryption and data transmission work.

That is completely ridiculous. The fact they want to charge a monthly fee to do something their system can *already* do (and which my server and computers are doing the processing for) is crazy. If they want to charge me $5 for the app that's fine, since they put development time into making it work. Aside from that,


Err Plex costs money? I'd have to say you're incorrect, as I've had a Plex server running for the past few years without paying a dime. The only thing that costs money is if you want to utilize their Cloud service, "Sync" content (which lets you store it for offline use), and a few other social features. You can's completely possible to have perceived affordances without skeuomorphism. Skeuomorphism should die, because it's basically emulating real-world stuff...which is ridiculous for non-physical digital items to do. With the digital, we're able to form, transform, manipulate, and utilize things that could never

I'm fairly certain your post is a joke post...but none the less it's kind of stupid. Partially because it's not true that 40% of people are fine with dialup speed. The people that find Dialup acceptable generally have never been on any type of broadband service, and that still only accounts for like 5% of the country,

I'm absolutely certain that he's crushed that you're not going to see it. Also, I'm glad you used his first name, so we all know you two are on a personal level (so it stings more)