
OK, so it’s weird that a car website employs someone that doesn’t understand why it’s designed the way it is -- in the States the Brake lights can’t be on any movable part, which is why they’re off on the sides like that.

Literally, this. I bought a 2012 Focus Titanium in early 2011 and was one of the first in the state to get it. 3 weeks after taking possession I had to take it back because of the shuttering. On top of the MyFord Touch system locking up all the time (calling people without telling me, playing music louder and louder

That is not true. The EU has very strict regulations around personal data that Google has to abide to do any type of business within their borders. They have to prove they're up to code, too, so anyone can request any personal data the company has on them and have it removed, at any point, from all storage. Google has

This. I’m supposedly getting AT&T 1Gb fiber tomorrow, and only because Google put Cleveland on the “coming soon” list. AT&T beat them to it, and then Google removed us from the list anyway.

Sorry...where did my comment go? I wasn’t even *linking* to my application...I was noting that I had created an application years ago with this same name that did more.

When I saw a post about “SteamMover” on Lifehacker, I thought someone had gained access to the application I had created 4 years ago by the name. Mine is actually much better than the one you linked, since it doesn’t create actually moves the game to the new location, with associated configuration files

While the morality of a corporation trying to make money is irrelevant, how they do it absolutely is. Just like Philip Morris in the 60s and 70s, there comes a point where the practices of a corporation spawn moral objection, because what they’re doing is severely taking advantage in a way that can’t be helped.

I think the big thing here, that MarshFellowes is pointing at, is we’ve only been seeing the very beginning and the result of how the Star Trek universe happened — now we’re finally getting to see where that middle-ground lead them. Enterprise had turmoil all over the place from racism, socioeconomics, etc... but it

That wasn’t true...Martha Roby never proposed or backed a bill to make Pi = 3. That bill never existed. Bill HR-205 was about the FDA labeling fish products.

I’m not sure what the fact of your car being a convertible has to do with audio — thanks for telling us though. I drive a 2015 S4. Who should I tell that to?

I’m not sure any car in the VW/Audi lineup puts the shifting paddles on the steering S4 has them on the steering wheel, as well.

I sold mine, but I had a Gen1 Moto360 and it was off the charger from 7am until 1am the following morning, every single day...and it was usually around 20-30% battery by then — I used to get around 120-150 notifications a day, and I used the watch pretty frequently. I also had it set so the screen was always on,

During the show he actually put his weight onto it on one arm, while drawing with the other. Apparently the thing was made so you could heavily lean on it like most people do an easel.

Oh, forgot the “tablet mode” business. I thought I’d never use it but I travel for a living and I couldn’t be happier to just detach the keyboard when flying to watch a movie, or even just plug it in backwards so the thing can be placed on the tray table with the screen in front, at any angle I’d like. I watched

Speaking as someone that has owned at least 6 Macbooks (most Pro), I currently use a Surface Book and it is, BY FAR, the best laptop I’ve ever owned. The build quality is unparalleled, even by Apple, and it’s insanely powerful. On top of it, I get a solid 12 hours of battery life, the screen is unbelievable, and the

1) It’s insane that they have such a ridiculous limitation.

Notice how the S is not uppercase. That makes it plural.

Sure. FISA mandates that any type of intelligence gathering involving foreign powers must either be granted a court order (none was), or can be authorized by The POTUS, for a period up to a year (which didn’t happen, according to multiple official sources). This means that surveillance of China is entirely illegal, no

Actually, that’s not true, either. Most of the laws aren’t about using the left-hand lane only for passing (since that would be very ambiguous), but are more-often specifically about moving to the right if someone is overtaking you. Very rarely does it state “unless you happen to be passing”.

You are absolutely, unequivocally, incorrect.