
Obviously not all hackers go purely for the largest market share, or Apple still wouldn't have been hit. They were being hit more than 10 years ago, despite owning around 1% of the total market share. There will always be people that *use* the operating system and decide to try to crack *it*. The difference is, that's

No, that's what happens when you connect a 12 year-old operating system to the internet. Safari, as a webkit browser, has more vulnerabilities in it than even Internet Explorer. On top of that, Windows by default comes with a virus/malware protection suite included. Yes, that's only needed because there have been

You do realize that none of the operating systems themselves are's the applications that they run that open up vulnerabilities. OSX hasn't just been broken into happens a few times a year, and then gets patched by Apple. Don't believe the assumption that it's a's just usually less

I had the same thing happen. I performed QA at Blizzard and Sony Online Entertainment (both as a GM and pure QA) and was paid barely enough to live off of. Then I transitioned away from the gaming environment to a successful software company and now couldn't imagine working anywhere else. It's a night-and-day

But it is. The question was "How do we fix QA?" The answer is "Pay them respectable wages and treat them better". Seems pretty simple to me!

That's not necessarily correct. I perform QA at a software company (not gaming) and get paid at the same level as our developers. We work very closely with our developers and, because of this, find and fix bugs and defects quickly. Our company has around 300-400 of each (QA and Developer), and all of the various teams

94% for Air Force (highest in the military), thanks to the ParaRescue program. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all men are cut out for the task, either, but never in history has a woman completed the AF special operations training. Women aren't allowed in special forces training, but occasionally they test a

It won't be any time soon. Why? Because women still aren't allowed in front-line combat roles in the actual military. Coming from someone that was special operations in the American military, I can understand why. (This isn't being sexist...this is being truthful. I've known women that could destroy any guy they went

No. Privilege has nothing to do with how "acceptable" racism is or is not. That's complete bull. Either racism is acceptable or it's not, there's no in between. I prefer to think it's not, but apparently you think otherwise.

LOL please tell me you're joking. A white guy making Asian jokes and an Asian guy making white jokes are *EXACTLY* the same. If you don't think so then you're a blatant racist (a prejudiced belief that one race is inherently better or more deserving than others).

A huge variety of minority-lead humor movies make fun of white culture and I couldn't care less. Tell Chris Rock that his jokes about white people are racist and I'll start really understanding your offense.

See...that's why I said I think you're running on older hardware/software or don't have enough experience with new stuff. Let me explain:

Having owned *EVERY* iteration of the iPhone and iPad, I love iOS and the features, but I currently own a Galaxy Nexus. Many of the things you're posting haven't been true for years...

So you're saying they're going to post this again in 2 years when it's out of Beta?

Sam Biddle might have been a bit brutal, but at least he was telling the truth. BlackBerry is doomed if they continue down the same path they've been traveling the past 10 years.

Sorry didn't really mean that in response to you just clicked on the reply button on the wrong thing =P

Umm...2000 miles? So I could shoot a bullet from Cleveland to San Francisco?

1. Because New Zealand a proponent of our extradition laws. It means people can be arrested in that country for breaking laws in ours. A majority of the world have extradition treaties with us to allow the same.

Well we have a lot of fun things at the company but everyone also works very hard. We have a spectacular bunch of people working together and all very passionate about what we do. I'd agree that if productivity was taking a severe decline that something would have to change, but productivity does nothing but increase

My company does many of the same things. On-location car washes, haircuts, mani/pedi, massages, ping pong and pool tables, and much more. We have the same open-ended atmosphere with our superiors and also have a company-wide meeting every week (to congratulate accomplishments and highlight something about our