
Careful, mate. Your irrational hatred of conservatives briefly derailed your review. I know that you are all enlightened and tolerant and open minded and whatnot, so I am confident that you will be able to keep your hatred on a somewhat tighter leash in the future. No sense leaking all of your enlightenment all over t

But unless he is directly putting pro-Trump imagery and messages into his programming, why would someone’s ideology bother you so much as to take this measure? Do you intentionally shut out every one in your life who doesn’t share your views?


LOVE your username!

It’s a hell of a thing, having to listen to other people’s thoughts and points of view. Especially in an age when the term “Nazi” is used to basically describe anyone whose opinions don’t align perfectly with your own. The horrors!

Except that he is wrong. I live in a little hole in the wall called Abilene TX (population less than 200,000), and Seinfeld performed here last November. You know damn well that he didn’t bank huge on that performance.

Ted Cruz sucks, true - but so does Beto O’Rourke. I miss the days when you could vote for the lesser of 2 evils. So really, in your edge-lord words, fuck them both.

Jeff Epstein would like a word with you.

Jeff Epstein would like a word with you.

Jeff Epstein would like a word with you.

Jeff Epstein would like a word with you.

Oh. My. God.

You do know that those were characters, right? Because you say that in a way that seems to imply that it should alter our perception of Matthau. I am going to give you the benefit of a doubt that you aren’t so delusional as to think that an actor’s casting choices should affect our opinions of them, however.... I am r

Tim & Eric ALWAYS gets an upvote!

So sorry that you are being subjected to points of view that don’t mesh with yours. You are so brave. This whole comments system is a groupthink circle jerk, and I LOVE how you ninnies lose your collective shit when some one you don’t agree with escapes the censorship of the “grays”, and you actually have to *gasp* exp

Welcome to Leftist logic, where accusations are merely the latest form of mudslinging. Except for Clinton and Franken, of course, who were merely victims of character assassination and still deified. I can’t stand Trump, and he is indeed fair game. But this Kavanaugh thing is an atrocity and if they are successful, yo

How absolutely brave and daring. 

You have to love the hypocrisy of people who defend James Gunn over his numerous pedophile posts (over a period of 10 years, no less) and his attendance at a pedophile themed party dressed as a priest by saying that “it was all in his past!”, purporting that he was wrongly fired and proceed to paint him as a victim, w

Oh get right the fuck over yourself, you self righteous pile of race baiting shit.

Shhhh..... don’t alter the narrative with facts.