
Seriously? Playing a victim for having a hot take opinion gleaned from practically no research but simply following popular opinion? You are so brave.

Then you have done precious little research into this subject, and bash Lucas simply because it has become fashionable to do so. 

Get over yourself you self righteous fuck.


I LOVE The Breeders and Belly. The 90s produced so many awesome female- led groups, with female singer/songwriters. 

You and I both know.

Ironic post is ironic.

Ironic post is ironic.

The Left has slowly been eating itself for some time now.

And that is a bad thing because.....?

I don’t think that means what you think it means (or in this instance,desperately wishes it means).

Oh, the irony....

LOL let’s see how relevant “Kells” (damn I still can’t get over that) is in 5 years, especially since he was best known for being Halsey’s boyfriend, wwhich he is no longer.

Credibility lost at “Kells".

Oh get fucked, you racist piece of shit. 

It’s really quite good. Great performance from Mel, and a young Jennifer Lawrence, pre-insufferability. Ignore the groupthink opinions, think for yourself, and check it out - you might just like it!

No kidding. At least it isn’t Cardi B.

VERY classy.


Damn, what a judgemental asshole.