
You are really bad at debating. In fact, I would go so far as to call you... catty.

I can imagine a few words to describe you. If you seriously can’t accept the fact that women are not above reproach after all, and are just as capable of being assholes without resorting to histrionics, maybe the problem lies with you....?

Squatmate is one of the perpetually offended; those who fancy themselves enlightened and open minded yet react to any dissenting opinions with insults and bullying. Shallow minded hypocrites incapable of debate aren’t worth the time. 

Says the person who chooses to insult rather than have a well thought out rebuttal? What colour is yon pot again?

Not yet, but getting there. 

They’re trolling you. Best to just igmore them.

The comments section on this site long ago devolved into a toxic echo chamber , where anyone who dissents from the majority is shamed and insulted by the ones who fancy themselves enlightened. 

You know nothing about her or her situation. Not everyone thinks or reacts like you. If you can’t accept that without melting down or lashing out, maybe it’s not them who are the issue, Mean Girl.

Right back at you, you condescending ass.

How DARE her not think and react exactly like you!

So. Much. Irony. 

Selective criticism, similar to the current climate of selective outrage. SSome people are cleared to criticize, oothers are off limits. This site should be renamed Mean Girls.

Oh. My. God.

Fuck you, you close minded asshole. It’s truth, hence why you are offended. 

And the alt-Left. Yes, it fucking exists. Antifa, pro-censorshipnannies, etc. And fuck them all.

Not everyone who skews right is “alt-right” or a Nazi, you close minded intolerant asshole.

Why let something troublesome like a different opinion get in your way, right? Exposing yourself to differing opinions and manners of thought are the trademarks of a keen intellect, whilst censorship and tunnel vision/groupthink are the calling cards of the dullard. Do the math.

Because not everyone on the Right is the fucking devil, maybe? Jesus, y’all use stereotypes more than any fucking racist.

Oh, go fuck yourself, you pompous ass. You just exemplified exactly why the Left is losing ground - it’s being co-opted by unlikable, self righteous assholes who demonize anyone who dares dissent from their groupthink, wwhilst congratulating themselves on their perceived moral superiority. Choke on your hypocrisy.

Lol generalizing a group of people with derogatory attributes is called a stereotype. And who uses stereotypes? Bigots. Guess that makes you Herr Kettle?