I'll watch The longest yard again. He was at least half way decent in that. His music is hot garbage.
I'll watch The longest yard again. He was at least half way decent in that. His music is hot garbage.
Let this fool sink. His music was always shit, this is just the cosmos way of payback for all the torture he has put our ear drums through. No body asked to help Wesley Snipes and he was far more entertaining than a pop rapper.
Unless you are an Agents of shield fan. LOL
We obviously differ in opinion in what constitutes hip hop. If either of these guys came out in the golden era then they would have been considered pop artists. I have no problem putting them in the pop category. But to call take care a masterpiece is quite a stretch and shows that your taste in music is…
I do like my hip hop to be dope. Hard is a relative term. I like my hip hop to sound like hip hop. Gangstarr made an album called moment of truth. More real emotional lyrics in that album but the difference between drake and gangstarr is Drake comes off as a complete cornball while gangstarr is dope. Aceyalone's…
Oh my god, that Banks and Steelz is puro basura. RZA has completely alienated his fanbase with that steaming pile of shit. Man, the worst thing that ever happened to RZA was the day he went to the record store and the clerk said that he wasn't a musician. He took that as inspiration to learn instruments which is…
They should have renamed it Watch us Bone
LOl, I never said Drake sucks, I just compared him to shit, which yes he is shit. Sorry I've heard plenty of Drake, and left very unimpressed, but then again, I have been listening to hip hop since Cold Crush Bros, and most of hip hop today is overproduced garbage. I like boom bap or funk with dope rhymes, and that…
RTJ is basically 2 dope hungry mc's ripping up mics over El-P's insanely dope production. El-P is a guy who has been as underground as it's gets from his company flow funcrusher days and his sound evolved since then into RTJ. Killer MIke and El-p take us back to the old days of epmd when the chemistry of the traded…
Yup, like Don Imus was fired for spouting nonsense. He had every right to say it, and his employers had every right to can his ass. I don't agree with Chick fil a but I am not going to boycott them because of the stance of their owners. Their chicken is the only thing that matters in that equation, and it's pretty…
I agree, and it's not like what Kap's doing in anything new. Mahmoud Abdul Rauf (chris jackson) was one of the best PG's that I have ever seen, but he was essentially blackballed for doing his muslim prayer during the national anthem and that was 20 years ago. Like you said, the whole thing is being blown way out…
He doesn't have Harbaugh the QB whisperer there to correct his shitty QB play, so yeah, i agree his career is on life support and this stance/protest has helped him stay visible.
Kap can protest all he wants, it is a free country. But in a free country people aren't going to agree with his actions and they also have the freedom to get offended and protest him. You say what right do we have to attack someone executing their American rights? We have every right to disagree with someones…
No outrage needed, Gabby Douglas was unfairly treated, I have seen plenty of people over many years that don't put their hands over their hearts for the anthem. The Gabby stuff was completely ridiculous, so lets not stoop to the media's low level and bash players for not doing especially because they are white. Kap…
Yeah I agree, plus it's not like Kap's career is going to last much longer, he is a pretty shit QB, and doesn't have Harbaugh there to help fix all of the issues in his game. His shelf life has almost reached expiration so he needs all the attention he can get.
I really liked the first 2 episodes. Been a Glover fan since Community. The only thing I don't like is the music. The absolute worst form of rap music is Trap music. Anybody can make trap music, it takes no musical talent to make that shit. To compare it to gangster rap from the 90's is not fair at all. Even…
I can't see it either. It would make no sense.
LOL, Simping is the in thing nowadays. Look at Colin Kap, RZA, Drake, Kanye for examples.
Does big ghost still review? His reviews were priceless in his demolition of these awful rappers
"Kanye inspired one of Drake's best verses" LOL, that is the equivalent of me saying Chipotle inspired one of my best shits.