
many restaurants, at least in my area, allow takeout orders by phone. If you call ~10/15 minutes ahead and factor in transportation time, it’s not THAT much longer to order than fast food. I guess you meant “eating time”?

You’re right in that he is artifically being paid low.

Not having worked in the show biz, I can’t say for sure. But it appears from the Weinstein cases that what you said is MUCH more difficult than you make it seem.

But it appears that she didn’t bother to closely follow the allegations. Because there are many cases where the Weinstein target DID bring another person, sometimes multiple people, and Weinsten made them leave the room. Or in one case, kick the rest of the party out of a limo.

The energy and vigor with which you are attacking an “imperfect victim” of sexual abuse instead of the perpetrators is really telling.

I second your opinions, as it describes me well.


Nope. Jason still plays and enjoys other RPGs.

No, it was a terrific and useful review for me, DerekFishing. It was a poor review for you, “Someone other than you.”

and yet here you are, practically begging for validation by going several layers deep on the comments of a review you haven’t read.

I found this review extremely helpful, because Jason’s profile fits mine very well. You simply seem insecure that other people can be different than you, and can derive information in a different way than you can.

Your example is flawed. It’s not “Rap hater reviewing Rap.” It’s more like “Rap listener who didn’t like Jay Z’s last album reviewing the latest album.”

Exactly. A really neat way you can tell that BOTW’s system completely succeeded is reading all different ways that earnest people have gone about trying to solve certain shrines or get certain korok seeds.

You have to stop thinking that you, Kronodyn, dictate the audience of these reviews.

I disagree. As a potential buyer, 50 hours is more than enough time for me to judge whether I should buy the game or not.

For me, Fast Food is a pejorative because as it is now Fast Food relies on, and propagates, 3 enormous ills of American society

yeah, you’re right. This is more of a dollhouse version of labor being in charge.

But AFAIK, it’s completely his choice to leave the Ham Fighters and willingly give up an insane amount of money to join the MLB 2 years earlier. He’s joining the MLB solely because he wants to, not bc the money’s better. So I say my original point still stands.

as a complete baseball agnostic, what’s cool about this case is that it’s a prime example of labor being in charge: it’s all about Ohtani doing what he thinks is best for him, and right now he has 100% of the leverage in deciding his own future, which is awesome. If he wants to both pitch and hit, he’ll go to a team