
Under the strict definition of Most Valuable Player, Lebron should still win.

The Spurs lead the Warriors by 20+ points in every game this year with Kawhi in the lineup. If they get Chris Paul, as slight rumors suggest, they’ll be a better match.

Cavaliers have the highest payroll in the NBA, and it’s not even close.

ESPN writers mostly picked GSW in 6

It’s like a controversial 2pt conversion or onside kick in the NFL: when it works, you look like a gutsy genius. When it fails, you look like a dummy.

that’s in impossibly high standard: Lebron needs to play well for the whole and then make EVERY SINGLE SHOT in crunch time?

Jeff Van Gundy’s take, not sure I agree:

Lebron has a player option this year, right? He signed a bunch of 1+1's?

Wondering why Tyron Lue didn’t use up his 1st half timeouts to give Lebron more rest, I learned today that NBA teams don’t get their timeouts replenished at the half, like you do in the NFL.

Lebron can’t really be justified in hating KD for joining a stacked team, after 3 free agents coordinated themselves to join the Miami Heat, as is their complete right to do.

makes you understand Trump becoming president

Agree. I wonder how much of that sort of stuff can be discussed in a post-game interview. The players themselves may not have digested everything that happened without a film review, and they’ll try to avoid revealing anything to help the opponents prepare in the next game.

The argument is that the Cavs are just not good enough in half-court offense. They don’t want to run “Kyrie Iso” or “Lebron/Kyrie pick and roll” for an entire 48 minutes.

The “success rate” of finding a truly delicious Strawberry ranks far too low for me. Good luck getting anything at a regular market, and even at Farmer’s Markets, I’ve found the percentage of excellent:ok:bad berries to be about 10%:85%:5%

toys have spines?

Official definitions are usually based in botany. Ie, what plant organ does the edible part come from? from Wiki

Swing and a Miss on your part.

disagree; the 16-0 Patriots will be remembered forever.

technically, you DID beat her, just on accident...

I’ve always put up the “do not disturb” sign whenever at a hotel. I don’t need the sheets washed everyday, and I’d rather not have the cleaning lady inside my room until I’m checked out.