Derek Evil

“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”

Someone else said it much better than I.

nah, best thing to do is constantly point out that the President of the United States is a fucking horrible human being and unfit for the role that his idiot supporters have stupidly voted him into.

Who’d have thought this would be the Hill ESPN chose to die on

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers.

I hope Jeter gave him a gift basket on his way out the door.

Praise be motherfuckers.

Why doesn’t Jesus eat M&Ms?

Jeez- so next time a person faces terrible customer service and get some rightfully angry, but remains nonviolent, its totally cool for authorities to give them a concussion. Do you really not see the main point?  


Also, “He’s a friend from work!” needs to be gif’d as well.