I am superstoked about this. Super x 10E200-stoked!
I am superstoked about this. Super x 10E200-stoked!
I never used the Start menu, and now I don't use the Start screen. Never have. Never will. I don't understand why anyone ever did use the Start Menu when two keystrokes and a bunch of icons pinned to your taskbar was all you ever needed.
Good job, fuckhead. You just wiped your ass with your next thirty years' worth of paychecks, your retirement fund, and possibly your ticket to upload-heaven. All because "Facebook creeps you out"? Punk-ass fool.
I use both, too. For personal projects like story research, plot outlining, and so forth—stuff that I really have no need to share with others—OneNote is the hands-down winner. However, for school projects and other shared, multi-person endeavours, Evernote's the way to go. And once I'm done with some project in…
This song is SO BAD-ASSED.
I take pride in my outrageously bad taste! In fact, I even had Roger Waters sign my copy of Soderbergh's film just because.
It was, sadly, inevitable.
#fuckcoke? #fuckYOU.
Where has this been all my life?!
I agree completely: psychopaths are completely self-centered, anti-altruistic parasites. But they have one key ability that most—but not all—humans with "standard" psychological profiles do not: unshackled by any sense of empathy, they can often see the connections in a complex hierarchy that need to be exploited in…
I believe certain acts can definitely be labelled evil—but "evil" as an abstract concept? No.
Immortality does not equal stasis. If all you do with your thousands of years of life is sit around and watch mountains erode, of course it's going to be boring. On the other hand, if you continue to evolve and grow and explore...? What's so boring about that?
Winkey + X.
Technically, you are correct—but I meant "right" in the sense of the "correct" or, perhaps more accurately, "the better" side of the Appalachians! :)
The header graphic totally makes this article. :)
OMG OMG OMG. Meridian and Lichdom look AMAZING.
OMG OMG OMG. Meridian and Lichdom look AMAZING.
OMG OMG OMG. Meridian and Lichdom look AMAZING.
There are still other webmail services than Gmail?
I've never had any reason to unlock my phone, but now I'm damn well going to do it ON PRINCIPLE.