Derek C. F. Pegritz

Philip K. Dick prettymuch *nailed* that prediction in A Scanner Darkly.

Because Jaron Lanier is a ridiculous hippie who ceased to be relevant well over twenty years ago.

A typically inhumane Chinese response to any human health issues. Of course, remember, these are the people who eat powder of ground-up baby and tiger penises to increase their virility.

Very Bosch-/Breughel-influenced. I dig the crowheaded people the most!

F'real. How the hell can posthumans who can literally travel *outside of the Universe itself to observe the Big Bang* lose to a bunch of whiny, love-drunk humans playing around with assorted treknobabble junk?

Great Filter, my butt. I'm betting money on all truly advanced civilizations going virtual.

How the HELL is Ready Player One *not* on this list?! Or, for that matter, Iain Bank's The Hydrogen Sonata?

O. M. G.

At the rate I'm going, my gigantic post-Singularity novel won't be done until the post-Singular era, at which point it will be completely and utterly outdated in every possible way.

This is going to be GLORIOUS! I loved the book, and this looks like an amazingly accurate adaptation!

What dingdong put the mapping of an average human connectome all the way past 2063? I'm betting on 2030-40.

This looks like a shitty SyFy Channel that the make-up FX and creature design are FARRRRRR better than anything the SyFy Channel could ever *hope* to crank out!

I have but one question, Mr. Naam: where do I sign up as an alpha/beta tester?

"Non-heteronormative" sex is only shocking to constipated dipshits like Orson Scott Card these days. I'd say the general sci-fi community—at least the transhumanist wing of it—wouldn't even blink an eye at Cthulhu tentacle-banging a pleasure droid equipped with every known for of terrestrial genitalia. Ain't nothin'

GW are a bunch of complete cunts when it comes to their intellectual property...which is a shame, considering that WH40K is one of *the* most popular sci-fantasy settings EVER and generates a metric tonne of fan-made content every day. They simply cannot police it all, but they sure do try—and do nothing but turn fans

Who the hell uses a *desktop* email client anymore, let alone one you have to *pay* for?!

I've been wanting to write a story about a person with body-identity dysmorphia for a while now. Only he wants to have his head amputated, because it's not actually his REAL head!

I am singularly unimpressed. Humans have inhabited this planet for millennia, and yet their level of technology is scarcely more advanced than the early 21st Century? What did they do—suffer some kind of catastrophe that destroyed their entirely manufacturing/R&D base? I can't imagine how they could've gotten to Nova

Uhhh...this is prettymuch my life *right now.*