Format-wise it’s limited, but working with Word Online gives you some of the features of Google Docs, like real-time editing. Plus, you get the flexibility of opening the document in desktop Word and putting in all the advanced formatting there (though without real-time editing).
There are still kinks, but I found it…
me. Red Tabby, no collar or tags,spayed female, loud meow. You crazy cat lady with cheese flavored treats.
Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.
Holy shit that banner illustration. I can't imagine that work-order.... Hey Jim... here's what I need.....
I never knew that I needed this until just now.
Don't need it, don't miss it. With using Launchy etc I can't remember the last time I even wanted a start menu.
I'll start the discussion by saying I'm partial to both apps. I switched to Evernote when Google Notebook bit the dust (and Google Notebook was mainly a web clipping app, if you recall). Long before Evernote, though, I learned OneNote was the best kept secret in information organizing software (at least for Windows…
Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?
Im not saying we should kill psychopaths or anything but we don't need them for anything. There are plenty of normal people who can make hard decisions. All this guff about psychopaths being fearless go getters is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard. They are not brave they are selfish and they lack…