Zombie Rob Cordry? I'm sold.
Zombie Rob Cordry? I'm sold.
Please please PLEASE let me be able to buy my own Son-Mi fabricant there!
Lovely story...though a bit too soggy with sentimentality. I don't understand why it won all those awards. It's by no means *bad*—in fact, it's one of the most beautiful stories I've read in a while—but it's not really...groundbreaking. Or new. It's very good, just...nothing special.
This is most assuredly *NOT* an accurate adaptation of the novel...but you've *got* to admit that it looks like a HELL of a lot of fun!
Number 5 and Numnber 7. Anything but some dimwitted Amish ecotopia. I'd sooner see the planet paved over with computronium.
Looks absolutely NOTHING like the book...but, nonetheless, it looks *entertaining*!
Judge Holden—a.k.a. "The Judge"—from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian.
China is the world's leading producer because it is, in effect, the world's sweatshop. China has only one thing going for it, economically: a HUGE population that the Chinese government and corporations gladly exploit. But that bubble's already collapsing, and 3D printing/matter fabrication technologies will…
THAT is highly useful!
Wow. This sounds skull-crushingly stupid. I would've *loved* the book if it had only been about The Fix...but throwing some goofy magic-realm bullshit in, too? WHY? What's the *point*? I generally love McLeod's work, but, damn, I think the boy's starting to smoke a bit too much Purple Passion....
Oh, for shit's sake....Zombies are played out as it is—now you're gonna put 'em on the Titanic? Feh.
You, Sir or Madam, are a genius.
Pain evolved as a means of alerting the body that Something Is Wrong. I don't think getting rid of it is a particularly good idea...but I'm totally down with engineering a means by which to turn it on and off at will, or redirecting the pain receptors' output to a different signalling mechanism—perhaps a red-flashing…
I LOVED The Cell...but that was mainly because Tarsem Singh directed it and did all the visuals. This could be...interesting, certainly.
No, we build a supercomputer OUT of the Moon! After all, it's just a lump of useless dead matter hanging there in the sky....
So it's Species meets Super 8. Idaknow, I'll still see it.
Svankmayer is a god amongst filmmakers, and his Alice is by far my favourite adaptation of the story. I love the rabbit leaking sawdust!
Shit, I'll ALPHA-test the technology! But only if it comes with a proper means of firewalling the connection to avoid adware. Last thing I want is to wake up blind because my entire visual field is saturated in popups.