I've long thought the uncertainty principle as it regards measurement of quantum states was not an intrinsic property of the universe but merely an artifact of observation methods lacking sufficient resolution.
I've long thought the uncertainty principle as it regards measurement of quantum states was not an intrinsic property of the universe but merely an artifact of observation methods lacking sufficient resolution.
"Y'know, that Singularity would've worked if it hadn't been for G28387ax28 and his damned faulty firewall..."
In my everyday life, I strive to live up to Buddhist moral ideals and spend at least a few minutes everyday using Zen Buddhist concentration protocols to help focus me on tasks. I've always thought that Buddhism was 100% compatible with non-metaphysical, materialistic thinking.
I really don't think any of these technologies are overlooked...but, then again, I read something like 35 transhumanist blogs, and every one of them has run multiple stories on these techs. I've long since lost touch with the crowd of "normal" folks who just live everyday lives in the present: I'm always at least 20…
How can a film suck so much that even the presence of a scene involving a woman having a squid-monster removed from her uterus via C-section cannot redeem it?
Well, that was a complete and utter ripoff of S. M. Stirling's Change novels...which are all dumb as hell. But it was entertaining, if nothing else. I may watch it!
I fully support "eating all matter in the universe to create our happy brain farm." It doesn't look like anyone *else* is using it, after all....It's just sitting there, warping space/time, being useless as is. And if, in our Expansion, we run into a planet with native life—even if it's just bacteria—I'm sure we can…
Idaknow...I kinda think the future as portrayed in this film looks pretty bitchin'—for us upgraded folks. It may suck HARD for humans with low version numbers, but who gives a crap about them?
M. John Harrison? REALLY? Haven't you ever read Ian McDonald?
You, sir, have just earned my admiration.
It's a neat premise—something I think Adam Roberts would've been able to handle pretty well...but it just sounds like a bunch of teenybopper YA bullshit to me. If gravity grows too strong for birds to fly, then it would be far to strong for anyone but the world's greatest iron-man bodybuilders to even *stand up.*…
Wow—I am truly impressed by this year's Hugo Awards. These awards, much like the Nebulas, have often been a masturbatory "good ol' boys" clubs featuring the same authors year after year after year...but THIS year, we've got a crop of totally different folks! That's awesome! It's nice to see folks like Ken Liu finally…
But what's the point of travelling 20-some lightyears to a planet with its *own native biosphere* in order to grow the food *we* need in expensive protected shelters? If anything—say, an earthquake or an attack by local monsters—destroys the biodomes, the Human population is instantly doomed.
Unless the planet has exactly zero axial tilt, the...hmmmm. Now wait a sec. Even if the planet had a pronounced axial tilt, the orbit is so rapid that the "seasons" would happen far too fast for any actual changes in atmospheric heating to matter. The rapid orbit would likely offset the thermal differences and a…
Organic humans with never leave this Solar System. However, I *do* support efforts at seedship "collinators" like the one in Greg Bear's Hull Zero One which will visit these habitable worlds and bioneer organic humans colonists to populate them. After all, EVERYone should know these days that multiple, redundant,…
The Onion's coverage was much better.
OK, so first things first: we get me uploaded. I'll just chill in a virtual recreation of the early 1900s, and send out a shit-tonne of nanoassemblers to Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the Belt, which will begin scavenging for materials, collecting them, and making them into parts for my new "body"—which will measure…
Definitely something I'll read, but you've gotta work harder than that to out-bleak The Road.
I absolutely refuse to accept any of these goofy myths in REAL science-fiction. Even the New Space Opera is at least scientifically accurate enough to not put me off.