Derek C. F. Pegritz

Picture #8: Posthumans with big-ass hardons monitoring an embodied alife construct taking its first physical steps on Mars.

There *is* a universal, Earth-Standard language: English. It may have originally just been a dialect of German, but the English language has absorbed so many elements and so many words from *other* languages, it's technically become a sort-of hideously complex, but incredibly detailed and rich, *metalanguage* that can

Vangelis = the only god I can believe in.


Google/GPS-driven robot trucks. Problem solved.


Though pretty, this made exactly ZERO sense.

No one will likely ever be able to "unthaw" a cryopreserved brain just to wake the person up and/or transfer their brain into a cloned younger body—but I see no reason that destructive scanning of the frozen brain to map its connectome shouldn't be possible. The relevant question here is not whether or not it's

That is EXACTLY what I am promoting! Snotty little twats with their "entitlement mentality" and ridiculously short-sighted hedonism....The so-called "Millennials" NEED a little bloodsport to teach them the true nature of violence and the fragility of life.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be an actual reality show and hot some scripted fiction bullshit!

Idaknow...looks like more of your standard "love transcends all time"/reincarnation horseshit. Plus, after the last two Matrix films, I'll be damned if I ever trust those wankers to produce ANYthing with symbolism and supposed "great meaning" again.

Shorter version of "What is the Rapture?"

COULD BE a step toward biocybernetic life?! What the hell do you think it ALREADY IS?!

I *love* Brave New World, but her version sounds even cooler than the real thing! And I've never been a fan of Fahrenheit 451—if it were about a giant flaming robot, I'd probably read it cover to cover in a night.

You and I both.

I firmly believe that Will Smith can do no wrong...but this may be the first time he actually does, because that idiot Shyamalamadingdong is involved.

This just looks...amazing.

I would kill to see a Revolt of the Stepford Wives movie. Especially if they all start dressing like Barbarella and following the orders of an upgraded Stepford Wife Model 4 called Ms. Stein M.

I demand nothing more nor less than complete immersion! Put my meatbody in a Matrix-pod, wire my entire brain directly into a virtscape graphics engine, and let me go full cyborg.

Privacy has nothing whatsoever to do with law or justice. Law and justice live or die according to the transparency of the legal process and the availability of evidence. If you haven't read David Brin's The Transparent Society, you really should. It's really quite enlightening—and entertaining at the same time!