I would love to have a supplementary oxytocin delivery system built into my brain. Hit a switch and a huge dose of oxytocin gets piped right into my hypothalamus and brain stem!
I would love to have a supplementary oxytocin delivery system built into my brain. Hit a switch and a huge dose of oxytocin gets piped right into my hypothalamus and brain stem!
As much as I loathe dumbed-down kiddie-fic, I love Garth Nix...because he does honest-to-gods *young adult* fiction very, very well. I loved Shade's Children because it is utterly uncompromising and, though it takes it easy on its readers in terms of prose strength, it does NOT hold back anything. This new book sounds…
The barbecued babe was the BEST part! Even better than the cellar-full of halfeaten bodies.
You *do* realize that other family just kills and eats the kid, right?
I wonder how long it will take an emergent Digital Intelligence to recognize that the power dynamic between the human and the cat runs greatly in the cats favour? The DI will likely begin trying to communicate with the cat first.
The first two are just silly—VHEMT has long been known to be just a piss-take much like the Church of The SubGenius (to whom it is closely aligned)—but the remainder? All guaranteed to happen within the next...Idaknow, 100 years? All of them, all at the same time.
No, we won't, because it's conclusively been proven that dolphins DO NOT possess a language. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they cannot be TAUGHT one, or uplifted to the point where they can and will need to develop a tongue of their own.
I have the WEIRDEST boner right now.
Okay, this is a MUST SEE.
Privacy is highly over-rated.
Wow. That was fantastic! I just watched it bleem times in a row.
Lindelof is going to take an otherwise interesting pretense and turn into a soup of nonsensical allusions just like he did with Lost and Prometheus. Someone must've loaned him a copy of Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God years ago. He read it and didn't understand more than, at most, 30% of what he'd read, but he'd…
Wow. You guys should seriously consider upgrading the bandwidth to your text parsing systems and/or hypothalami. Sci-fi readers who can't absorb vast amounts of data in highly-compressed, high-bitrate format NEED to update their reading comprehension rate or be left behind reading YA fiction.
Dyson *spheres* are colossal wastes of matter who construction expenditures far, FAR outweigh their benefits...and in over a hundred years of scanning the sky we can barely even discern brown dwarfs. Dyson *clouds,* on the other hand, are not only more efficient and (literally) flexible, they would also be largely…
As Pyroninja43 has noted below, the problem with nuclear power isn't *nuclear power* itself, but the godawful, lax engineering standards that are used in the construction of many nuclear plants. A good friend of mine is a reactor engineer for Westinghouse, and he's overseen installations and safety-testing at reactors…
My memory is shit. I desperately NEED a RAM expansion!
Well, naturally (pun intended)—but there's no point in reinventing the wheel, or the protein-folding schema, if it's already extant in nature. The best biomimetic design takes stuff already proven by billions of years of evolution and combines it with novel elements that either greatly extend its capabilities or make…
Damn—they made even MORE?!
Why build nanomachines from scratch when nature has already evolved some pretty damn sophisticated variants on its own? Biomimetic design RULES.
d): This image by H. R. Giger was the clear inspiration for the "pyramids"...which were fucking DOMES, not pyramids, in the first damn place!