Derek C. F. Pegritz

Best zombie novel I've ever read. It even beats out World War Z, and gods know I'm one of the biggest World War Z proselytes out there. Whitehead does a brilliant job of exploding all the preconceptions of zombie fiction which have grown so stale with overuse and one-ups World War Z in prettymuch the same way WWZ

I've seen the Apollo 18 footage—I ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S UP THERE!

I'm still interested enough to see what the full feature will be like. Hopefully it will have a budget to make the monsters look at least a LITTLE better than SyFy-Channel Saturday-Night-at-9pm fare...but I don't have much hope for that. Nonetheless, if they stick with the atmospherics of the early part of the film

Now that sounds like MY type of giddy, pointless, but fun alien-invasion flick! The dumber the better. :)

Wow. That just...blew. The cinematography and costume design were superb: the opening scenes really conveyed a palpable, frigid sense of dread—but the special effects and the execution of the final scene just ruined it. I don't object to the "creature" designs: I rather like the "walking trees" concept of the Black

By Zeus, that looked bad-assed! I see we've got kyklopes, the khimera, Titans, and what looks like a double-bodied soldier loosely inspired by the bipolar "primordial" humans of Platonic fable. And a fire giant! Bitchin'.

BITCHIN'. Equal parts Cronenberg, Clive Barker, and J. K. Potter.

That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

O. M. G. I laughed like an IDIOT at the trailer for Sasquatch Porn! This may be the best indie comedy since Never Been Thawed!


Oh really? I'm no mindless advocate of Drexlerian nanotechnology magix, but we're surrounded by nanotechnology everyday—we're MADE of nanotechnology—and it does some pretty damned amazing things. It's called *life.*

I'm not a big fantasy reader—not *this* type of fantasy, anyway—but I've read enough to know that this is one prodigious work. Mad props to the creator!

These guys *do* realize that biotechnology and nanotechnology prettymuch allow us to go beyond basic biology, right?

You, sir, have prettymuch summed up my thoughts on the singularities perfectly!

Damn...the kid didn't explode—nor did the priest bite its head off. Still...I'm sold. But, then again, I just happen to love demon-possession films.

This. Looks. Like. Shit.

And this is only one reason of literally THOUSANDS that I love India!

"It's awful to contemplate the possibility of the immortality of the world's worst assholes." Now I'm no longer even vaguely interested in this film, as it's apparently nothing more than Lost in Space Meets Alien, with a script by Eric von Daniken.

Ho. Ly. Shit. This is completely, irrevocably insane. I think I love it! I MUST have the Blu-Ray.