Derek C. F. Pegritz

This is my new favourite jam! Gods, I love Romanian pop. Well...technically, it's German pop sung by a Romanian band, but still....

AWESOME! I love the idea of a completely nonsocial intelligence whose cunning and logical faculties are all tuned to avoiding conflict.

I'm not stupid enough to have children at this point in human history.

"She chose DOWN!" Favourite scene in the movie.

I claim number 4 and number 5. I'm already working on something roughly like number 5, but it's more a case of "How do alien machine intelligences that evolved from hive minds deal with NON-eusocial organic intelligences?"

It's a Roland Emmerich film. Even if Kurzweil wrote the script himself, Emmerich would find some way to turn it into a loud, epic, completely whacko monsterpiece that would make an utter mockery of Saunt Kurzweil's ideas but would be completely awesome anyway. Maybe the Singularity will trigger the Earth's atmosphere

It adds up, *thirty thousand years.* In geographical time, that's not even a heartbeat—it's the blink of an eye. But on a *human* timescale, that's longer than the entire sum of human history *times five*.

This is the greatest thing I've seen this week!

Wow. The sheer level of alarmism in that article is off the scale. Now, I fully support any and all conservation efforts—biodiversity is a Good Thing, after all, and anything that gets criminally-hypermetropic politicians to pay attention is equally good—but I'm sick to death of hearing about the current "Great

Thoroughly unimpressive song, but MAN, that video is AWESOME! Someone sure loved Clive Barker's "The Madonna."


It's not so much inspired by Lovecraft's work as blatantly derived from it. Campbell loved to take ideas he read of in other folks' works and add his own spin to them. Prettymuch all authors do this, but Campbell based an entire career on it.

"OK, look, I know I sound like a whiny nitpicker here when I snark about the effects like that. "

Prettymuch all of the reviews I've read about it today agree that it's more an FX romp than a true successor or even companion piece to Carpenter's Thing—but I really wasn't expecting it to be anything more. I'm not sure how a sequel or prequel to The Thing could *ever* match the original since any successor would

Prettymuch all of the reviews I've read about it today agree that it's more an FX romp than a true successor or even companion piece to Carpenter's Thing—but I really wasn't expecting it to be anything more. I'm not sure how a sequel or prequel to The Thing could *ever* match the original since any successor would

Peter Watts can do no wrong. And, anymore, neither can Clarkesworld. I don't think I've EVER read a story on that site I didn't like! That said, Watts' "The Things," however, still stands head and shoulders and weird mutant excresences above the general lot. It really, really should've won the Hugo.

OK...the anti-CGI whining concerning this film is really getting out of hand, considering no one but some critics (I assume) have even seen the damn thing yet.

This. Looks. AWESOME. John Cusack can do no wrong, however, so I'm not surprised.

Wow. The sheer amount of fanboy wankery on this site makes me wonder if the Gawker networks is secretly owned by Apple.

I despise Macs, and I really, really do not like Apple. Having worked for them, I can honestly say they're one of THE most anti-consumer companies in the United States. I have never liked Steve Jobs, and have long thought of him as nothing more than a consumer-electronics snake-oil salesman. Reality Distortion Field