Derek C. F. Pegritz

Oh, man—I ain't even *tryin'* to think about that! But, of course, I am. Goddamn you.

You are my hero because you remember that bit, too!

Well THAT explains it! When I stopped being suicidal, I became homicidal!

I liked the movie—I'd gladly watch this! There's a lot of potential in it.

Uhhh...yeah. That doesn't sound vile: it sounds friggin' *stupid.* Zombies don't fuck. If they did, their wangs/vagines would fall off (or out)! A cartoony comic book does not do Grandpa Theobald's masterpiece justice.

OK, Coathanger, that's brilliant. I'm actually going to do this now! (Shh, don't tell anyone. Yet.)

The sooner the better! I am available for any and all beta—hell, *alpha*—testing.

I wouldn't say his writing has become "conventional," but, that said, I still have exactly zero interest in Reamde. It sounds like a morbidly-swollen James Rollins technothriller.

I'm going to go to this town and secretly set up a shitload of WiFi routers and base-stations in the surrounding woods and then just hang out and observe the residents to see whether or not there actually is any alteration in their behaviours or physical wellbeing. I'm betting I don't observe a single thing out of the

I think it ultimately depends on how you define fetish—which is a lot more complicated than most would expect. What I think of as an aesthetic appreciation may well be defined as a fetish by some, though I tend to think of a true, established fetish as something rather prevalent in an individual's sexual preferences.

I'm actually sad to say that, alas, I really don't have any fetishes at all despite a slight predilection for thigh-high stockings—which is so common it might as well be considered a feature of the male consciousness rather than a fetishized aspect thereof. I may collect antique medical equipment, love deformities and

That's why I like the Tau: they infiltrate—they conquer from the inside out. As the Imperium rots, the Tau are quietly picking up the pieces. Long after the Eldar have wanked themselves extinct, the Imperium has fallen, the Eye of Terror swallowed itself, and the Necron gone back into hibernation, the Tau will be

Upgrade or die. Don't expect posthumans to be any more moral, forgiving, or tolerant than contemporary v1.x humans, unless they're so heavily modified they're no longer even remotely human-like (which is a good thing).

Why not write this as a *real* novel, not just simpering kiddie-fodder? I doubt they'd have the same trouble if this novel were marketed for, after all, young adults can (and should) read non-watered-down material just as well as older folks can.

Seriously. I would GLADLY work any of those jobs. Especially the babymakin' one.

Now THAT says it all!

Uhhhh...are you kidding me? A LOT of stuff "predicted" in science-fiction has, in a sense, come true: communications satellites, interplanetary exploration, and the Internet being the most obvious. That article's author has a very naive understanding of the material, though: sci-fi authors do not *predict* anything;

That part of my brain must've shorted out long ago. Now, we just need to find out how to cauterize it in *other* people—by force, if necessary.

This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! It's like China Mieville and Clive Barker teamed up to write a comic and got Wayne Douglas Barlowe to illustrate it....The creatures designs alone are amazing, but the story is surprisingly engaging, too—even though it's got that dumbed-down, too-much-caffeine pace of