
The trailer I saw actually had a bit where he pounded his chest and went "rrraaagh!" I liked his Sherlock Holmes films, but this just looked like Guy Ritchie's Deep Sense of Inadequacy: The Motion Picture.

I definitely think there's a level of calculation in it. When Glenn Beck was on CNN he was just a right-winger, but he was probably the furthest right on the network, so he stood out. When he moved to Fox he realised that wasn't going to be enough any more, so he started on all the conspiracy lunacy. Then that

One of the fascinating things about living in an age of such complete delusion is that people can expose what sort of a bubble they're in just by describing something. Men's Rights Activists are obsessed with the draft because all of their favourite sites treat it like a pressing, up-to-the-minute issue. Republicans

"So why does the vaccine schedule recommend you vaccinate your child at very young ages, before 2 years old?"

Conservatives' free speech is always threatened by the literal Nazism of people daring to disagree with them. Lionel Shriver's in, what, her second consecutive year of whining about the censorship imposed on her when her last novel got a couple of non-sycophantic reviews?

What I've learned from this whole thing is that you can write about sexual assaults being committed and covered up and the thing that will get some people the angriest will be the word "they".

One of their touring musicians just quit, too. People who know Ben seem to have no trouble believing this, but the Internet Defence Squad are still waiting this out.

"For years, Republicans had struggled under the burden of crafting coherent policies that would work, until a visionary came along and told us something we were not ready to hear - that our policies were actually perfect, we just weren't whining about NBC enough! The current triumphs of the Supreme Leader (pbuh)

So Trump must be relatable because people voted for him, but nobody related to Clinton, who got more votes. You can't even keep your own premise straight over the space of four sentences.

Although comparing the quality of Gosford Park to the quality of everything else Julian Fellowes has written, you'd have to say there's some Ingredient X there…

"It just feels like rubbing it in at this point, you know?" - ISIS

"Golly, I wasn't on board with the genocide of the Jews, but ever since I saw Richard Spencer being punched in the face I've really found his views credible!" - no-one, at all, ever

"I'm gonna set it straight, this Pizzagate!"

The 8 out of 10 version is late-night, yes.

The only example of a male documentarian sleeping with his subject I can think of is Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, and I thought the decision to keep that out of the movie was intensely hypocritical and basically destroyed the film. And that was about a silly 'weird side of the news' story, so I can't imagine the

Didn't Assange claim he received documents about Trump, but thought they weren't interesting enough to leak? He doesn't release everything he's given - he only claims he does when he starts to get shit because he can't be bothered to redact social security details of innocent people.

God knows. My friends are the sort of people who go on and on about how they won't read the New York Times or watch the BBC because it's all government propaganda, but then they turn round and treat Russia Today and Sputnik as unimpeachable gospel.

I have some anarchist friends who just love Putin right now. It's puzzling.

"I'm sure you foolishly spend your money on a great many things"

The most important free speech value is harassing people you disagree with! But when some shitstick I like doesn't get an easy-money speaking gig - that's LIBERAL FASCISM!!!!!!111