
It's where the grass is green, the girls are pretty, and the men are impotent right-wing whiners.

The thing is, they're too young to want to go back to the 50s. They don't want to restore old norms because they have no idea what those norms might have been. They seem to have this vision of a time they want to return to, a time when nobody got offended by anything but also everyone agreed that a lady criticising

Of course you're surprised. You can only see the word through your narrow lens. That is called confirmation bias. What you have to realise is some people have a different point of view than you, quite large numbers in fact, and support people who express different opinions. Those people you call censors or SJWs, with

That's a great point - why do people ignore all the instances of white people calling black people the n-word with love and affection?

This displays a lack of understanding of what Black Lives Matter is about that borders on the pathologically stupid. I realise years of living in a Skinner box has predisposed you to scream "handouts!" every time you see a black person, but "not being shot by the police and having the media blame you for it" is not

His slogan is "feminism is cancer", but he's in favour of second-wave cancer. Yeah, that makes sense.

But remember, he's really against that victim culture! And outrage culture, too, it makes him so… what's a word stronger than "angry"? "Furious"? No, that's not it…

As a self-described student of Objectivism, I am sure you are aware that the philosophical school of Objectivism and objectivity are two different words meaning different things, and as such your frequent switching between the two is wilful mendacity. I mean, the alternative is that you don't have a clue what you're

"Due process"? Do you think this board is a court of law, or are you just mindlessly throwing around phrases you think will make you sound clever?

But Hillary might have received payment from foreign governments! And likes to start wars! Can you imagine having a President in power right now who receives payments from foreign governments and bombs places? I surely cannot!

They were going to type their real name, then realised they were posting on Mail Online and had a moment of existential realisation.

There are still a few - I was delighted when I bought Powerhouse's Blu-Ray of John Carpenter's Christine and found a bunch of deleted scenes on there. But yeah, not a common event.

Jesus, will you just shut the fuck up and get a fucking shave, you vain, vapid, witless, self-important queef.

That's the ticket - people disagree with him, therefore he must be right! Mmm-hmm, that's good reasoning ability right there!

"No, but listen, if I say 'I'm not contracting with you' I don't have to pay…"

"I have a Russia Today link that completely destroys your libcuck conspiracy theory!"

The definition of a conspiracy theorist is now someone who believes a politician's promises. That's quite a turnaround.

She just walks up to you, then WHAP! Out comes the massive prosthetic dong.

Wow! Can't wait to see what he's inventing, in order to claim that lofty status!

"It's just you and me now, pig's head…"