
The fruit is so low, it could be mistaken for a potato.

Looper: "Do you know about things from before the '90s? Well, keep it to yourself, Methuselah, we've got Millennial nostalgia to exploit!"

Fortunately, the comments software on my local newspaper's website is so awful that only the most determined racists can be bothered to keep thrashing away at it.

"Sadly, it was only last month I even learned of the existence of Trump-endorsed uber-troll Milo Yiannopoulos, who looked like a Tom of Finland pencil drawing of his Breitbart colleague James Delingpole. And already the boy has been dissolved in acid by his own suddenly squeamish paymasters. The news cycle moves so

Upvote for Hbomb link. He's awesome.

Listening to Coast to Coast, sure, I can believe that.

I don't even like Hitchens, and even I wanted his shade to return and smack Maher in the mouth for that.

I feel the same way about Bannon. He's like a barely competent fantasy football manager who's suddenly got put in charge of Real Madrid; he only looks like a sinister puppetmaster because everyone around him is a fucking idiot.

There's a great essay by Gary Greenberg called 'In the Kingdom of the Unabomber' which argues that the insanity defence was completely misapplied to Theodore Kaczynski. It still leaves you with the impression that Kaczynski was a seriously strange guy - but "strange" isn't a medical condition.

When Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists tried to hold a rally in the heavily Jewish Cable Street district of London, they certainly were met with violence, and quite right too; the mass humiliation the BUF received played a big part in discrediting fascism in the UK.

It's so weird reading the comments on right-wing blogs now, seeing them all precluding any display of normal human emotion with lengthy disclaimers. "I'm not a beta cuck white knight mangina, but man I love my wife!"

There's chutzpah, and then there's painting the government who are bankrolling Marine le Pen as the victims of hate.

Sherlock Holmes is another key example of non-canon works becoming canon in the popular imagination. I've long since resigned myself to every adaptation making Irene Adler both a colleague of Moriarty and a love interest for Sherlock, two ideas which are nowhere in Conan Doyle's work.

That's a good point. It probably bumps the CinemaScore up a good grade or two.

Hey hey hey, don't come for my gingers.


Marina Abramovic's autobiography. Features a headline from the Australian which says "Marina's Art Makes My Balls Shrivel", and many other delights.

The weird orange landscapes and the hall Gosling walks into are straight out of Tarkovsky - the nuclear war scenes from The Sacrifice shot like the opening of Stalker. And yeah, the cityscapes could slot straight into the original film. Deakins knows exactly what he's doing.

I'm hoping for a CG-animated homage to the final act of Killer Joe myself.

I didn't realise the video for 'Cousins' was his work, but now you've mentioned it of course it is.