
In fairness, The Twerking of the Bunnies is one of Tchaikovsky's greatest ballets. It's nice that some kids films still care about being entertaining.

Look, I know it's fun saying all kinds of mad shit about Britain to Americans and seeing if they believe it, but British radio does, actually, have hosts. It's not yet run by Skynet.

Stranger and stranger: Swinton had a guest spot in the original British version of Getting On. That still doesn't seem like enough for a connection.

"You don't understand. He's troubled, but also a genius."
[Smith completes sudoku puzzle]

I like to view it as Dennis being unable to contain his irritated astonishment that Katherine Heigl is still on the go.

That happens in Lawless, actually. Maybe the lesson here is that more movies need Nick Cave to write their scripts.

I'd forgotten that story. Strange to think that, even before the Internet, people still had this belief that the ringmasters of top-secret conspiracies blab it in public all the time.

And, obviously, if all the mentions of politics were variations on "Trenchant political observations, Matt and Trey, you guys sure do have a lot of insightful things to say about politics!" absolutely no-one on those reviews would be complaining about "dragging politics into it".

"We got it cheap from Catherine the Great's yard sale!"

Looking at his face these days, I'm not sure we can definitively say that isn't happening.

Or namedropping Uh Huh Her as if it was her most seminal work.

Thank you for illustrating the point that conspiracy theories are a way for mediocre minds to feel like Woodward and Bernstein.

At the moment, they seem to think liking Marina Abramovic is proof that you're part of a Satanic child abuse ring.

Fun fact, when he says that he's actually saying "I am a hot dog sausage".


Even The Conformist I don't think deserves its rep. Stylish as anything, but as an exploration of fascism it would be generous to call it intellectually lightweight.

He's gunning to be the first person to win two Bad Sex Awards.

The Comedy Central cameras just kept on filming!

This is something I wish the grown-ass adults having the vapours about safe spaces et al would learn. They're college students. College students who are into politics are frequently silly. I can understand that. I can't understand a grown fucking adult building a career off shrieking about it.

"One election result overturns reality! D'Souza really did go to jail! Meme magic is real!"