
I love the bit where one of his team tells the camera what their code word for Sydney Leathers is. "Shit, I shouldn't have told you that."

True, although even the clearest moral message can be overlooked when people just decide the villain is way cool. I mean, Roger Stone has a fucking Joker t-shirt that he wears in public and everything.

I haven't seen the video yet, but Kracauer doesn't deserve that kind of dismissal. I don't agree with him on everything, but he makes an interesting, intelligent case that isn't "Silent movies caused Hitler!". If popular movies are, on some level, an expression of the popular imagination, then from time to time

It's essentially the Putin system; just keep moving and contradicting yourself fast enough to puzzle your opponents. No actual principle or policy is so important that it can't be defenestrated in the pursuit of this.

Somebody please tell them where Steve Bannon used to work.

"Don't pick fights with the bullies and the caaaaads/ Because I'm not much cop at punching other people's daaaaaads"

Censoring images of "nontraditional" sexual activity, apparently. If they can't find an image of it on the Bayeaux Tapestry or a reference to it in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, it's going on the bonfire!

I remember when The Force Awakens came out some redditor created a huge graphic to 'prove' that Rey holding her staff was meant to subliminally remind you of interracial sex. I admired how diligent they'd been in collating so many interracial handjob videos to make their point.

It is very strange that Hollywood looked at Tina Fey's TV work and apparently thought "We need to have her on board as an actress - but for the love of god, keep her away from the scripts!"

I'd love to think that's true, but I think you're underestimating how much of a reach Breitbart has. They were running puff-pieces on the alt-right long before that speech.

So when Steve Bannon proudly and publicly declared himself alt-right, he was actually part of the Clinton campaign! Wheels within wheels!

This is giving me serious When Prophecy Fails flashbacks.

Hang on, now he's complaining about Beyonce winning too many awards? Beck breathes a sigh of relief…

How hypersensitive do you have to be to think that statement is a 'rant'? It's the most gently phrased political disagreement imaginable.

I don't think they actually thought the name through that well: they marched in the Welsh capital once, and were welcomed about as warmly as you'd expect.

I found it incredibly cathartic in so many ways. It could have been made for this moment.

Anti-PC people need a lot of coddling. Yes, we won an election, but why aren't the people we're insulting buying us drinks? It's so unfair!

Writing from Britain - this is exactly what happens next.

If insulting the opposition was the sure-fire vote loser these articles always insist, the right wouldn't have made it a central plank of their messaging for decades. How courteous is Donald Trump towards people he disagrees with, exactly?

"The heroic Republican congress, who couldn't muster the courage to disavow him when he was a mere nominee, will block him now!"