
Tin Machine used to do a ten-minute version of 'Stateside'. You can't possibly tell me they did that because they just loved the song so much.

Hey, hey, Laura Cantrell and Neko Case deserve better.

Gynaecology would be a good one, although you might have to change the title.

Nah, you were shit.

Curiouser and curiouser…

I love that episode as a good old-fashioned Nigel Kneale-ish monster throwback, but yes, it's not the most layered and fascinating new Who episode. Probably helped that it came in the middle of perhaps the revival's greatest season.

I had to Google who you were talking about because I'm old, and had an immediate, "Oh, THAT prick who keeps showing up in my YouTube recommendations with the most offputting screengrabs possible" reaction.

It's one of those things where people can't tell the difference between "making jokes about someone" and "hating and abhorring everything they do and demanding they be boycotted by every right-thinking person".

I get what you're saying, but… I'd read that review (and it would certainly be a more than valid way to approach the Nolan movies).

Yeah, that's been one of the odder revelations of 2016; people can now get as riled up about corporate tribalism as they can race.

Nah, it's making a big comeback on the right. The /pol/ kids have discovered it.

Have you actually offended anyone here, or is it just this usual thing where people say "Nah, that's bullshit" and you give yourself a high five for having totally triggered a libcucktard?

I bet that one was marketed as "darker and grittier".

Oh, certainly - I'm not saying people being less of a dick online is going to make schoolchildren's lives perfect, merely pointing out that "just close your laptop!" shows an absurd lack of understanding of how children live now.

In the context of schoolchildren, there isn't a place outside the arena. If, say, humiliating videos of you are being shared online, and your classmates are watching them, what is closing your laptop going to achieve? Is it going to erase the video, or stop the people you'll see tomorrow watching it?

There's something - I'm not sure what - in the difference in status that made the responses to Sheen and Feldman different. It's easier to feel sorry for Feldman because he's past his career peak; Sheen, on the other hand, was riding high when he had his breakdown, a commercial status based largely on the perception

Everyone's experience of this seems to be a bit different, because we're not a monoculture any more. But for me it feels like five or six years ago the mainstream media started to get seriously interested in the issue of social media bullying, and it was immediately hijacked by journalists saying "Yes, I too have had

I think it's to do with transferrable skills. If you're a rapper or a rock star you already go out on stage and present a larger-than-life persona that entertains people for a couple of hours; doesn't mean you can just walk into a film like it's a concert, of course, and even the best ones have to choose their roles

I'm always surprised that this view - that he tailed off after Atonement - isn't more widely accepted. I get that British literary critics need to have a Grand Old Man, but novels like Saturday and Solar read like he started off with a series of points he wanted to make, settled on some metaphors for them, then