
The article he also posted is also written by someone who frequently creates fabricated quotes, attributes them to her enemies and openly brags about it, but Presto is using her as a reliable source because he's rational, dammit. http://www.wehuntedthemammo…

If your only bias is towards the truth, I'm sure you'll enjoy this entertaining video showing how Sargon of Akkad can't read or interpret statistics:…

without honesty, it can never be important.

Anyone who uses the phrase "virtue signalling" is basically flagging up that they can't handle someone having a different opinion to them and need to pathologise it with laughable cod-psychology. But, you know, this is someone who thinks "that's a man lol" is showing respect to the Arquette family, so we could have

It's not as if she's turned down the new David Simon show. She's turned down this botch job.

I'm not saying the field is without its problems, but this is the exact same argument creationists use against biology. "They change their conclusions when new information comes in! Clearly they can't be trusted!"

You do realise that actual psychiatrists disagree with you on this, right?

Upvoted for Horgan.

I think it's reasonable to look forward to something less because you don't like the writer. That's a completely normal reaction, surely?

Pfft, amateurs. When Daniel Day-Lewis did Lincoln he made sure he had at least a semi for every scene, and he got the Oscar for it!

Or a song from the porn version of The Lion King.

"I'm not doing anything! Call me!" - Anthony Weiner

The Bourne Regurgitation

Still one of the cleverest uses of the technology, that.

With a few disappointments like Spielberg and Burton, I've generally found 3D much more worthwhile when it's a big-name (or at least cult-favourite) director working with it. Herzog, Selick, Cuaron, Scorsese - glad I saw their 3D films in 3D. The latest "eh, it'll do" conversion for a CG animation or superhero

The Shining. Hedge maze chase versus living topiary animals? Not a hard choice.

Please tell me the pig is a David Cameron reference.

Yes, when I think of people who don't want to raise too much of a fuss about systemic racism, Samuel L Jackson is the first name that springs to mind!

What if they're the ghost of another ghost who stopped being a ghost in tragic circumstances?

Bela Tarr's retired, though, so he'll have to find a new credible arthouse director to pretend he's always been a fan of. How does Apichatpong Weerasethakul grab you?