
He directed one a while back, didn't he? I assume that followed his script.

I'm hearing this in Matt Berry's voice. It works.

Polanski's recent Venus in Furs actually features a scene where Mathieu Amalric, an actor whose resemblance to a young Polanski is uncanny, goes off on a big rant about how people are much too eager to label everything child abuse these days.

Yeah, it seems to imply that Turner needed some motivation to violently oppose slavery other than, y'know, being enslaved.

Why not follow your own advice and ignore it?

He's learned well from Daddy's speech to the blacks.

Mine is when they start going on about "the draft", completely unaware that it hasn't existed for decades.

I was in a newsagents the other day and saw a special Ghostbusters edition of a film magazine. Its strapline promised "The stars! The sequels! The cartoons! The fans!"

When has someone in Hollywood ever got an eighth of what Jones is getting because they offended feminists? They're really not the people overreacting here.

What is "locking your car" in this analogy? Is it "not having any personal information to leak"?

"Well, hot diggity! That's all I need to hear!" - Michael Fassbender's character in 12 Years a Slave

I never thought I'd be nostalgic for the days of 9/11 Truth, but at least that era's morons had a vague grasp on cause and effect; they could identify who did it, and how they benefitted. Benghazi, on the other hand, has stalled out at "Hillary said a terror attack was caused by a YouTube video, because… er… let's

What are you talking about? There's nothing more rational and reasonable than going off on a spittle-spraying rant about cultural relativism because someone said "I feel…"!

I'm just happy they're finally openly admitting their politics is based on a terror of black people's penises. Baby steps.

I remember reading a review of a right-wing screed in the Times (UK), which expressed puzzlement that the author seemed to hate gays and hate Islam for persecuting gays. I thought "How can you be puzzled by this? It's the editorial policy of your terrible fucking Murdoch rag."

"Big men in tights, with mothers called Martha! Do I have to draw you a roadmap?"

- Reposted Charles Bukowski short stories.

It cannot be pointed out enough that Gritty Dark Edgy Suicide Squad treats its central relationship with less depth and maturity than a Saturday morning cartoon.

The Besnard Lakes are noisy, sleepy and lovely, for when you want to change it up a bit.