
I imagine Bill's concept of "teaching children about fascism" is a bit different to what a school in Berkeley would provide, though. I'm imagining Jonah Goldberg and Dinesh d'Souza as set texts, and immediate expulsion for any child who dares raise the issue of which party tried to draft Charles Lindbergh as their

A real American soldier, currently doing tonight's seventh gruelling tour of duty at the buffet counter.

"That guy had the best life, and all he had to do was throw away his shitty sledge! What an inspirational movie!"

But not to glorify him, because that's not what statues are for, obviously! Only so we can soberly reflect on the good and bad of his legacy!

And yet Harry Dean Stanton will still be hanging in there.

I know him, and he does!

Yes, you probably would when you look in the mirror.

Aren't you upthread saying we should be focusing on big-picture politics rather than complaining about a cartoon? Now it turns out it's all about who's cool and who isn't?

I think that's the message they're trying to send, but they don't always manage it. Team America is a good example: I kept waiting for some nice self-reflexive gag, some indication that they were aware of the ridiculousness of making a whole Hollywood movie in order to say "Hollywood doesn't know shit about

"We need a fairness doctrine, but solely for sketch comedy shows!"

[handheld camera follows Batman up to the door of a mansion]
"I've always been fascinated by the TV personality Clock King…"

That judge is America's greatest hero. *shudders*

Or possibly relief that he wasn't around for the rest of that shoot.

So, Miller, then?


You realise the post you're replying to is talking about two Stephen Millers, right? One of whom is definitely not a Never Trumper? This Heat Street hack's feelings on Trump are completely irrelevant. It sort of looks like you just shat out a panic reaction to seeing someone write "Trump" without actually bothering

Well, I'd go and see it, being a man and all.

Adam Carolla doesn't believe in your millennial echo chambers, which is why he's took to the internet to ask his fans to give him money for a film that'll parrot their own views back at them!

Still, at least getting rid of all that flashy magic stuff allowed them to keep the budget down to a manageable $175 million.

Yeah, this was the exact same mistake the 2004 movie made, so it's strange to see it done again.