You usually do find a dick around Balls
You usually do find a dick around Balls
Weird that an Adidas product would fall apart so quickly.
Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold!
“College athletes shouldn’t be paid because they get a free education.”
“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!”
In regards to playing professional football again, the Raven quoted
Colin Kaepernick would like to have a word with your conclusion.
Fathers be good to your ballers
“I knew she had a lotta potential and I knew—I felt like I was put in that position to kind of help her.”
A Red Sox fan who beats his girlfriend and is a complete fucking asshole? Color me shocked.
How gangster is Angela Rye? Angela Rye is gangster like Tupac coming out of court wearing a hockey jersey spitting…
So he gets his cake and to eat it too?
Big deal. There wasn’t even a wrecked Volkswagen in his way.
These two are definitely trump voters and definitely own at least one confederate flag between the two of them.
“I was.”
-Ray Rice
+ two fiveheads
If I want manufactured viral content, I’ll go back to my old job mopping up at the nudie booths thank you very much.
I’m happy she is out of jail and thank all the goddesses that those pigs didn’t kill her in jail. May she sue the f’ck out of them all and win.
The best part was no Chris Berman yelling, “Back, back, back,” after every homer. Then one of the announcers who did the show this year laid one on us and ruined it for me.
C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?