
You said you are from Houston so I read this in an “angry oil tycoon” voice. It was a good choice in my opinion.

Now playing

Sorry, Emma, they’re just not my kind of dogs. They’re just not.. terriers.

Hell, they can set up on a sidewalk or storefront with permission right next to / across from the church and still sell cookies to 90% of the parishoners. And they get to learn a good lesson at a young age as to why the Girl Scouts are secular and why Christianity isn’t really a good choice when it comes to “gangs to

Wow. I thought I couldn’t have less empathy for the characters in this tale of rich people woe. Then, I watched this video.

On a per-minute basis, he lost almost as much money as Rick Pitino.

With a pitch at head-level?

Rince Pubis will go down with the rest of this treasonous, mob cabal in sulfurous flames of ignominy. Pubis is McConnell’s dog and will continue to crash and burn spectacularly like a random ash that jumps out of a smouldering fire only to float to the ground to be quickly trod under foot.

Leave it to fucking Republicans to think that the second amendment (and their grossly ridiculous interpretation of it that has resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths) is more important than the first. The first amendment is first for a reason, dickbags.

I love how our “toughest” president in history is such a wimp than he can’t even stand a correspondents dinner.

Was Pence there, or were there too many non-wife women showing ankle for him to participate?

Ah, so when Sale  throws a shutout he’s a great pitcher but when someone does it against him they have nothing to do with it.

I know one Grayson who’s a total dick

Are there any Graysons that aren’t total shitbags?

I’m a big fan of that ESPN radio/TV show Gen-X Cracker Jagoff Who Played Professional Sports For a Time and Gen-X Cracker Jagoff Who Had a Different Career Path.

At least it didn’t ruin his hair.