Dept. of Redundancy Department

Not related but I just wanna say I like your username.

Not gonna lie, it’s really tempting.

Ouch. That one hurts.

Yes, he should be suspended. From a noose.

Progressive metal

The two in the Blista Compacts were obsessing over drifting while failing to realize that the Blista Compact is front wheel drive.


Not to mention, everyone seems to equate every form of racing with NASCAR.

Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stick a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you’d have a diamond.

I wish I could recommend this more than once... This was my favorite Hot Wheels as a kid.

The fact that Roman was drifting a car that is front wheel drive.

It’s not like it hasn’t already happened...

Butt warmers come standard on the rear seats!

You read my mind.

Because a big city in a single player world is like a ghost city... You're not the only one.

How could you forget?!

I know I'm very late, but when I was in Boy Scouts, we had a forge where the pit was made from an old semi's brake drum and the oxygen was supplied with a turbocharger with a hand crank attached to it.