You say that like it’s a bad thing.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
If appearing friendly in public is indicative of an affair, I guess Charlie Rose and Gail also must be boning. Charlie went skinny dipping with Clooney and his friends at Lake Cuomo. Are we to presume that he’s also slagging around?
“We were hoping the wake-up call would’ve already happened.”
I’m an independent voter because branding does not matter to me because I evaluate every candidate as an individual. We make up 40% of the electorate, last time I checked.
Everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Fuck off to your safe space, jackass.
“The app is free and leverages content from your Google account.”
You mean a representative of the university has no incentive to defend how the school used the guy’s money or make the donor who they employed for 50 years look bad? Cool.
CNN reported it differently. They claim he wanted it spent on athletics.
1. I didn’t vote for Bush, champ. I voted for Gore.
2. Trump isn’t going around undermining Secretary Kerry and the State Department by calling foreign leaders maniacal dictators when the US is trying to negotiate cooperation agreements with them.
3. Name one proposed military intervention Hillary was against when she…
I read the article and those are not “nuanced” questions able to fool anybody in giving a bad reference.
He requested his money be spent in the athletics department and only $100K on non-athletic stuff.
That’s a hot take from someone who brags about their father being the head of Pentagon security and coattails on his father’s connections to work in the Middle East making millions “teaching”.
I doubt you’ll live through the nuclear winter Hillary will create once she declares war on Russia and North Korea.
Not all instant coffee is created equal. At the risk of sounding like a salesperson, Nescafe Espresso in the glass bottles is pretty good. Most chain grocery stores carry it and so does Amazon.
What incentive is there for a reference to respond honestly? It makes the person look bad for being a bad judge of character.
If you get paid to afford Starbucks every day, chances are very good that your office gives it to you for free.
No, the crux of the problem is really with you. This statue is not about mocking Trump, it’s about mocking the people and underclass he represents.
It’s so great and refreshing to see you take the high road.
Two words: instant coffee.