The levels adjust according to the weapons you select. I still have no desire to beat each level with all weapons.
The levels adjust according to the weapons you select. I still have no desire to beat each level with all weapons.
You do realise that is comes with two controllers instead of one, yeah? The quality of games alone make it worth the extra least for me
Nintendo isn’t losing anything. If the rumours are to be believed, Ubisoft is the one bankrolling this title. Mario is on loan to them and the game is being developed by them. If it tanks, Ubisoft is the one to lose money, not Nintendo.
This game needs a massive overhaul. No reason I should have a player like Spud or anyone above his dunk criteria and missing 40% of the dunks. What’s the point in having good stats if none of that matters beyond this ridiculous “too late” or “too early” bullshit. The game also needs balance. Those sons of bitches…
I’ve always wanted to like and support Sonic games but never came out feeling like it was money well spent. Not dissing the brand, but the idea around Sonic just isn’t for me, or maybe I’m playing it wrong. He’s a pretty fast character and each time I play that way, I feel like I’m missing out on exploration &…
What a wretched environment. Cant even play a decent and fair game. Did that guy asked you if you wanted to 1 vs 1 with his dick?
I actually misinterpreted your comment. For that, I am truly sorry. I thought you were making fun of the Switch because it has a Monopoly game. Again, apologies.
You’re acting like this game isn’t on other consoles or this is Nintendo’s E3 presentation. Seems like you don’t own a Switch or even interested in one. Why climb over the fence to troll & provoke other people?
Missed the point as usual. No where in my comment I said I was mad. Why are they even bother releasing it for a dead console while having it on sale for a different one. That’s my point. The delay should have meant moving the development to Switch.
Missed the point as usual. No where in my comment I said I was mad. Why are they even bother releasing it for a dead…
This is a damn joke! They delayed the WiiU version of Darksiders Warmaster edition; now they announced that it’s coming in May; then they have it in this Humble Bundle for PS4. They really don’t want this game to sell on WiiU. I was going to purchase it on WiiU if it actually came out simultaneously with the other…
This is a damn joke! They delayed the WiiU version of Darksiders Warmaster edition; now they announced that it’s…
It’s the perfect game for EVERYONE.
You cannot get the Master sword “pretty early”. Unless your definition of early is ignoring the main quest & completing approximately 60 shrines, that’s not early. The Master Sword isn’t just something you find and then it’s automatically yours.
Never liked that guy. Good riddance from the gaming community. He’s nothing I’d lament being rid of. This is my “unprecedented support” for you leaving the industry.
Well, that saga ended just how I thought it would. At least he had a bit of fame for about five minutes
Beware of those new animations. The flying Pokémon are zigging and zagging all over the place
If we as consumers are paying $10 for a 32gb card, it cost the manufacturers maybe less than a dollar to make one. The mark up on these things are insane. Remember Monster Cables and how expensive they are? I used to work at Best Buy back in the day. A cable that retails for $100 would be about $6 after our employee…
Interesting. Not particularly inclined to wait 2-4 years, a fired or disgruntled employee later to hear the scoop on this one. Kotaku, flex your collective muscles, dig up all your sources from beneath those rocks within Microsoft & squeeze them for some info. Don’t think you lot have sources within Platinum; too…
“Why shouldn’t people be allowed to download their games from the eshop after they purchased them legit?”
This shit right here, man. Kills me every time. Nintendo should start giving their loyal fans(have a mynintendo account prior to the announcement of said products) first dibs on things like this. I know it’s not iron clad, but at least it’s something. Can’t find the fucking thing anywhere on account of those fuckers…
Go, damn it! Fucking go! In fact, I’ll help you pack. Where should I send your things? Over to IGN?